Author Topic: Just got Borderlands 2  (Read 1352 times)

So today at church the pastor gave me a $25 giftcard, so I bought Borderlands 2 because its marked down to $25.

So I have 3 games coming this next week

Borderlands 2
Dead Island GOTY


I got it, and now I play it on my brother's PC.
I love that game. I also love Gunzerker

What church do you go to that gives you money? My church only reads a scripture or 2 and then everyone eats.

it's also $30 on Steam for another few hours

They made a GOTY edition of Dead Island? I thought everyone hated it and they'd have to go with deluxe edition or some stuff

They made a GOTY edition of Dead Island? I thought everyone hated it and they'd have to go with deluxe edition or some stuff
Yea it as $8 on Best Buy.
I payed a total of $12 for it ($3.50 shipping, .50 tax)

So first of all, church giving money.
Second of all, you spend it on a game.
Third of all, that game would be Borderlands 2, which is a good game, but it would NEVER be advised by the church i assume.
(Or any god)

I don't get it.

I'll just come out and say it; Is your family poor?

I'll just come out and say it; Is your family poor?
No we're average middle-class

Then you have a rad church
it was recognition for the people who run the camera's and record the service (a.k.a me and a few others)

cameras? wtf, do you go to church at a televangelist cathedral?