Author Topic: If Given the Default Weapons, Who Would Win?  (Read 3810 times)

Oh, jesus

i'd have to say bubba

lando the climber vs. the big bad jellyfish


hodototman vs Jesus Christ our lord and savior

I dunno jesus was a very sassy guy, probably would use his sas to beat him

Bushido, lol.

ChaosCarrier vs. TopHat
i'm TopHat

i would win against myself?

no battle above^

Badspot vs Kompressor

Idk man Idk if I could shoot someone

Badspot always wins

BanishedLetters vs Frontrox

hodototman vs Jesus Christ our lord and savior
hodototman because Jesus is already dead

dusty12 vs comr4de

Mocheeze vs Ephialtes


Cookie monster vs panda

They would respawn in a few seconds
Every member online vs every other member online

Every member online
Bow Vs. Spear

we have blocklanders named that right
« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 01:12:13 AM by Quote Story »


AGlass0fMilk vs. Mocheeze