Author Topic: Blockland: World of Houses  (Read 2891 times)

Serings Here,

If Any of you have Seen my houses On my Youtube Channel: Then you are familiar with Some of my Work. For Those of you that have never seen any of my Houses. I'm Here to Bring Previews of them to You!
Enjoy These Houses Built By: Me, Zane2 (Zaxx, Zane) and Many Other People.

The Dawson: (I Know The Kitchen Looks Bad, Planning To Release an Update Here Soon)


The Midget

Source: I Built This as a Townhouse When i got Bored, and wanted to make a house

The Candace: (I Realized somethings needed Tweaked, Planning and Update Here Soon)


The Vindor: (Built By: Simolean: 24378

Source: Built By Simolean, Idk where he got the idea.

Litmore Model Home:

Source: Image Not Found

CreekStone Model Home: COMING SOON (40% Complete)


Feel Free To Rate!

Coming Soon!

Arizona Model Home (65% Complete)

CreekStone Model Home (40% Complete)

The Naomi (80% Complete)

The Lincoln (10% Complete)

Malift Model Home (45% Complete)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 08:37:45 PM by Robo Dude »

Pretty damn legit, as to the original buildings.

MrCookie should get in here and offer criticism. I dunno if any of us regular gallery-goers can offer any real good criticism.

Why do you capitalize random words in your sentences?

Anyway, nice houses, the roofs are a little bit too steep though in my opinion.

Also, don't add stuffty music to your videos. Honestly, it makes them annoying to watch. I know I can just turn down the volume, but really, what is the point of adding music?

I think all these houses are built well, there are only slight changes and things I would add to make things less awkward. You guys are obviously good builders, the main problems I have do not stem from them being "bad", because they are not bad.

That being said, I think the majority of them lack any character. They are just cookie-cutter suburban homes, I could see any of these being duplicated in a long row with slight changes to make a typical subdivision. They are well built, just... boring. If that is what you guys were going after, good job, because it was successfully done.

I do love "The Candace" though, in my opinion that is by far the best one of the bunch.

EDIT: I've noticed that a lot of people have been building these typical cookie-cutter houses recently. I think this is great practice to actually become a good builder, but I would like to see people actually apply their imagination to building. Why build a boring house anybody can see in real life when you could build some awesome unique house that is completely yours?
« Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 10:38:53 PM by Lordy Lord »

I tried to apply using The uniqueness of building my homes on "The Midget." These houses just seemed very interesting, and I've always been very good with houses, nothing else. So I have brought my knowledge of house building into these projects that usually take me from 3 days to 2 weeks.  Anyways, Thank you for the good ideas, I will try to use them more often.

Also, thank you, "The Candace" had some Minor faults when it was first started. Then, I finally got my team to help with Fixing this model, and we were able to complete this model after a 1 1/2 week period.

« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 06:36:31 PM by Robo Dude »

I think its less that he builds cookie cutter style, and more that these buildings are based off of cookie-cutter designs.

I think the ceilings have been almost completely neglected, lacking detail in comparison to the walls or floors, save for a couple of lights here and there. A featureless, gray brickbottom ceiling rarely complements elaborate walls and flooring, not to mention it can make transitions between spaces very sketchy, like the border between the living and dining room of The Dawson. (The rooms have entirely different color schemes and are different kinds of spaces, yet the ceiling is shared between the two.) The ceilings could be higher, making the spaces seem less cramped even if they're small. Higher ceilings also give more space to play around with lighting, as with a ceiling only ~7 bricks tall you're pretty much limited to only using a single brick or plate as a light.


Other than that, seeing that the houses are mostly well made, all I can do is shove my picky personal views here:
(as if the stuff above wasn't cluttered with personal opinion already D:)

To me, building is about improvement and experimenting in order to push boundaries. The design choices I see around the houses seem really safe and generic: striped wallpapers, closed and separated spaces, and essentially the same exterior and interior style in each one. I didn't really find anything in the buildings that made me stick my face to the screen and think "Wow, never though of doing that!"

Seeing you (or you guys) already have good building skills and seem to have some eye both for the interior and the exterior of a building in terms of their details and as a whole, I think you should be able to lay off the reference images and create something newer and more interesting. Instead of reiterating existing designs (which you already seem to be skilled at), why not challenge yourself and try to create something radically different from what you usually make?

Something I'd recommend starting with is paying more attention to vertical spaces, rather than only horizontal ones.

You should really post some pictures instead of these videos. I find it frustrating to have to load up a video, then listening to some funky music while watching the camera move too fast.

Note: I have not read Lordy Lord's or Ladezkik's reviews, but I assume that they are more well constructed than my review and you should take note of theirs' more heavily. I quickly skimmed through the videos to get the gist of the designs of each house.

All of your interiors need work. The design scheme for all of them are way out of date and in the past. I understand that you were going for a "traditional" look, but the reason why architecture and design has changed is because people have thought of better designs. I do realize that some traditional designs are amazing, and I'm not saying that we should completely abandon traditional design. What I'm saying is the interior designs in the videos have been executed poorly. What stood out exceptionally was the green striped walls in one of the houses. Litmore I believe? The choice in the tone of green was very strong in colour, so it provided a focal point for viewers. The problem with the wallpaper being the focal point is that it's a darker tone of green and it's green. A swampy mood and setting is created with that colour, and I would assume that you would not like to have a swamp in your home.

I don't really have much more to say other than everything looks outdated and old, killing the feeling of life and freedom - the feelings which one should be aiming for when thinking of an interior design for a home.

I think the exteriors look nice though, but lack of a "hook". A "hook" is similar to something you would write on an essay; it's something which catches the viewer's eyes. It makes you different from every other house that's been designed. A hook captivates a viewer's interest.

I apologize if this reply is hard to follow. I was typing this with scattered thoughts and opinions.

Pretty damn legit, as to the original buildings.

MrCookie should get in here and offer criticism. I dunno if any of us regular gallery-goers can offer any real good criticism.

You should PM me if you want my criticism; I don't frequent the forums much anymore. :)
« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 03:45:50 AM by MrCookie »

Please post pictures or remove the content from UMG and EMI, I can't watch.