
What are your religious views?

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Author Topic: What religion are you?  (Read 11207 times)

I will explain in depth as to why it's a mathematical impossibility for the God depicted in the Old or New Testament to exist.  Understand that the only form of scientific evidence used in this writing relates to modern day knowledge behind the Earth and its rotation around the Sun, a long with absolute mathematical truth which is not refutable in any format.

To begin with, any individual who considers his or her self bound by only portions of Christianity or Catholicism text contradicts the religion's preface and destroys the credibility of the belief. Under God's rule, as stated in the Bible, all of his teachings must be followed. To exclude any of the writings in the Bible disagrees with the only source for credibility in the Bible, which is that its writings are the absolute consideration of God, and, in his perfection, are also a perfect portrayal of how we should live our lives.  The religion is only credible under the circumstance that everything in these texts is completely true, and everything is accepted by the individual.

This relates directly to a second, must more skewed and avoidable point: if you do not strictly follow the Old Testament, then you have destroyed its credibility, due to the writings having to be perfect the first time.

However, the primary point, which is not based around personal circumstance, is the Bible promoting geocentrism:

"He has fixed the earth firm, immovable." (1 Chronicles 16:30)
"Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ..." (Psalm 93:1)
"Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken." (Psalm 104:5)
"...who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast..." (Isaiah 45:18)
There are arguments suggesting context issues with the statements listed above.  There are two major issues following this disagreement.  A: the fact that it is mentioned several times in different text, suggesting the same concept:
"He has fixed the earth firm, immovable." (Chronicles 16:30)
"He has fixed the earth firm, immovable ..." (Psalm 96:10)
B: The Bible does not provide any other text suggesting the Earth rotates in any fashion.  Oddly enough, it displays it as a rarity:
"I shall make the heavens tremble, and the earth will be shaken from its place." (Isa. 13:13)
This contradicts the initial argument that these statements act as metaphors, and validates that the knowledge of the Earth’s movement was unknown to the individuals at the time. 

"The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose." (Ecclesiastes 1:5)
"Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day." (Joshua 10, 12-13)
There are arguments suggesting that this, too, is subject to human misconception, and acts only as a bleak representation of God’s power.  These arguments imply that, by the view of Humans, the Sun would have stopped moving, because they did not know about the workings of the universe.  However, given the fact that the Earth is stationary according to the texts above, it is impossible for that to occur.  Not to mention that it states the Sun moves on its own will, revolving around the earth:
“Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the.” (Job 9:7)

Now, the problem here is that we know for an absolute fact that the earth is not stationary, and that it is not the center of the universe.  Under the argument that the Bible was written by several individuals under the word of god, and could've simply been misconceived by these individuals, then there is still a very blatant error to address: If there is ANY room for error in the book, then it has 0 credibility, not only in reference to my previously stated argument suggestion perfection as the only reason for credibility in the Bible, but also because the entire document can be one giant misconception.

However, aside from contradictions towards understood knowledge, there are also contradictions to its OWN texts.  In Exodus 32:27, men are encouraged by God to slay other beings:
“Then he said to them, "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.'"” (Exodus 32:27)
The Ten Commandments, created by God, state “Thou shalt not kill.”  This is a massive contradiction which defies, once again, the perfection of God.

What I have displayed is mathematical fact and is impossible to refute.  Please understand that the intentions behind this document are to promote knowledge, not to insult, hinder or offend anyone who has faith in these texts.

Tells you what I'm not.

I'm an athiest.

I mean no offence towards anyone who may think differently, but I think religion was simply a way to explain things that couldn't be explained at the time. But when science came around, there was no more need for religion. Anyway, that's how I feel.
but you still cant explain everything
so going by what you said we would still "need" religion

People are only atheist because they think it makes them superior over others. Same with vegetarians.

People are only atheist because they think it makes them superior over others. Same with vegetarians.

are you serious

we have a method to our madness knowledge

People are only atheist because they think it makes them superior over others. Same with vegetarians.

Or maybe I'm atheist because I don't believe in the specific ideals of the religions that are available to me in the country that I live in?

On Topic: Atheist, will convert to Shintoism when I eventually move to Japan

People are only atheist because they think it makes them superior over others. Same with vegetarians.
That's a gross generalization, spencer.

People are only atheist because they think it makes them superior over others. Same with vegetarians.
People are christian because they're stupid.

See, I can do that too.  It doesn't make it true.  Again, refer to the text I quoted.  That'll inform of of why I'm atheist.

No, there is no proof stating the absence of a God or Gods, but neither is there for my imaginary friend Bill.  The only evidence following it is contradictive and ultimately states it cannot be true, rather than helping it out.  However, considering the possibility that these gods aren't as we depict them, there's a possibility.  This possibility is consistent with the notion that a coin can be flipped to a nonexistent side.  You can keep trying, even though it won't happen.

People are only atheist because they think it makes them superior over others. Same with vegetarians.
forumers like you act like this because it makes them feel like better people.

forumers like you act like this because it makes them feel like better people.

I knew I would get more people to try to prove their superiority when I posted that.

I knew I would get more people to try to prove their superiority when I posted that.
Aww, kiddie doesn't understand what knowledge is :(