Author Topic: Male to Female Ratio??  (Read 1378 times)

definitely not bullstuffted

also i just realized that even existed in general statistics.


There are no girls in the internet

It excludes the roughly 30k users who left the gender part blank.

Good lord it's been ages since I've heard a Chowder reference.

there's probably a bunch of users just claiming to be female, i'm sure the ratio is more like 35:1

Good lord it's been ages since I've heard a Chowder reference.
Ra radda?

I am secretly a boy and you are all secretly girls

Seeing as I can count 6 females (Shazoo, Carolcat, Bubbagum, Stocking, TeslaCoil, Black and White) versus the 355 members online average, meaning 349:6 male to female ration, so roughly 58:1 male to female ratio.


I am secretly a boy and you are all secretly girls
Can't fap to this

I am secretly a boy and you are all secretly girls
forget how did you know.

I am secretly a boy and you are all secretly girls
Its a conspiracy mang

I am secretly a boy and you are all secretly girls
I wish That's be interesting

I am secretly a boy and you are all secretly girls
Damn, how did you work it out then?

Thought this was gonna be a poll. Was curious, didn't know which I would pick.