Author Topic: Father is hospitalized, what do?  (Read 2581 times)

I am not even in a religion. I know for a fact that it was real.
What's the fact

What's the fact

I know other people who have had out of spirit stuff happen to them too.

I know other people who have had out of spirit stuff happen to them too.
Doesn't mean it's real

Doesn't mean it's real

I'm about 85% sure it is.

The other 15% is my agnostic side telling me it's not.

Kindly get the forget out of my thread.
Since when did you make rules here

Why are you people so level headed and not have an open mind?

Why are you people so level headed and not have an open mind?
open mind =/= believing in that crap

Wow, no offence but your life it pretty messed up :(
I hope your father is ok, if you have ANY ways of contacting him just try to :)

Why are you people so level headed and not have an open mind?
Having an open mind doesn't mean accepting any bullstuff that someone throws at you.

Wow, no offence but your life it pretty messed up :(
I hope your father is ok, if you have ANY ways of contacting him just try to :)
I'd call his cell, but he probably has it turned off.

visit him as often as you can. forget "visiting hours" lol. just walk in. walk fast, act like you know what you're doing, and even if you're not supposed to be visiting him at that time no one will give you trouble

visit him as often as you can. forget "visiting hours" lol. just walk in. walk fast, act like you know what you're doing, and even if you're not supposed to be visiting him at that time no one will give you trouble

how does a 14 year old get a ride to a hospital?

how does a 14 year old get a ride to a hospital?
Public transportation?

Why are you people so level headed and not have an open mind?
Your dad died. He was on your mind. You had a dream about him because he was on your mind, even if he wasn't the first thing on your mind. That's how dreams work.