Episode 1: The facepalm menace
Click the imageshyGriff has this habit of posting my avatar whenever I say something that she feels is bad. Obnoxious "I'm better than you" attitude.
Episode 2: Attack of the frickfrick frickin fricking
She has said "frick" about 33 times according to that search. "frickin" 7 times. "fricking" 14 times. Keep in mind the search button is not very good at finding accurate results.
Not only is "frick" an awful word that is only used by 11 year olds (!!!), it's a word that she uses constantly because lol shes so bored she has nothing to do except for say frick
you say the word "frick" a lot.
how can you not understand? :S
so what
Episode 3: Revenge of the boredomAuthor of exciting topics such as:
wah it's cold outside, click for text puppy, cute dogs, cute animals, cute birds and true lvoe: te megathredWhy is this even happening? Does she feel the need to blog about everything she thinks?
Blogland Forums
id use tumblr but it crashes on my phone
Admits to both blogging on the forums and not using an actual blogging site because she's lazy.
How... can we help?
Seriously, WHY do you create such TOPICS?
How can we help in any way?
because im bored and theres nothing else to do but create such TOPICS
Oh it's okay guys, off topic is now twitter because shygriff is bored.