Author Topic: RTB Dedicated Hosting Service - Service Closing  (Read 260250 times)

Let me just uh...
kalphiter -9001
ephialtes & lub 1337
...fix that for ya'.

omg kalphiter you're being so pathetic in this thread lol

stop trying

omg kalphiter you're being so pathetic in this thread lol

stop trying
If pathetic means pwning, then I definitely am pathetic.

christ he's like a clingy girlfriend that won't move on from being dropped

Well then, looks like I answered someone's question when you couldn't, using Lub's quote. I guess you aren't
This is a thread that anyone can reply to; if you can't accept people answering other people's questions in this thread then I have no loving clue why you made a thread here. Besides, what are you going to do about it?
Oh my, look Kalphiter, you are a good man, probably defending your own bacon.
But your latest couple of posts have been quite... bitching.
You really try to show that you are better then Ephialtes by turning his own words against him.
You are even asking him what he is going to do about it.
That is almost like challenging him to ban you from the forums.

You are really searching the borderline here and this section of the forums is not about drama.
This topic is not a drama topic and it would be nice if you actually didn't behave like that.
This topic is about RTB hosting, not about RTB hosting vs. Kalphosting or whatever you called it. (Sorry i honestly forgot)

By doing this you are only making me think that you are very annoying, in my honest opinion.
Now maybe you don't care about me, but think of me as a potential customer.
Because of your behavior lately, which can be slightly explained by the pressure of another strong hosting service, you could lose a lot of potential customers or even your customers.

And i don't think that is a wise idea to do.
I'm sorry Kalphiter, but i really think this is not what you should do.
Just calm down and accept that there is someone else on the market.
It might be unfair in your eyes, RTB has a very well known image in the Blockland community and all that.
But i fear that's just how it's gonna be.

If you want to do something against it, prove that you are better by being better at what they do.
If you don't have the resources for that, i fear that you are being beat, but not unfairly.
They just had a great advantage then.
It happens a lot in many situations.

So please be wise and stop behaving so childish.
Prove that you are better then what many people think by showing them what you can do with what you have.
Not by arguing and turning their own words against them and all that.
That is a childish and a generally very annoying way.

^World's stufftiest poem

Also congrats Ephi and Lub on the new site and all! It looks beautiful, wish I had those mad coding skills but at least Im still cooler than Lub.

You are horrible at poetry if you think that is a poem.
I like to make a lot of text more readable by adding some spacing between parts of the text.
Maybe i use it a bit too much, but i never had any complaints about that so far.

If pathetic means pwning, then I definitely am pathetic.

once again stop trying, you are horrible at even TRYING to look good


Sorry but most of what I see in Kalph's topic is Lub showing off his bacon and calling Kalphiter's tofu, not to mention a lot of name calling:
Been monitoring my provider for 6 months with 100% uptime lol, cannot believe you stick with such a shabby provider. I guess you don't know better though!

Nice brown townysis, same subnet doesn't even mean same country, I guess your provider is stuff though.

Jesus christ Lub just because your hosting service is coming out soon doesn't mean you have to rip everyone who uses this one a new starfish
Oh right, where am I doing that? Stop overreacting.
Look Rub, causing such a ruckus in this thread that you've attracted the resident forum drama whore. This won't end well!!!

Depends on the spec of the server and the quality of the datacenter and network. For example, if you used the provider Kalphiter uses, you get a low quality datacenter on second rate hardware, hooked up to a slow, poorly connected network and you'd pay like $99 a month for that. The same hardware in a good quality datacenter would set you back something like $300 a month.

If you don't understand the issues with cheap providers this is your opinion. If you need rock solid availability (Kalph's server has had consistent monthly downtime since he started out), you can't go for a cheap provider. In the real world, the difference between 99.5% uptime and 100% uptime is important, expensive and worth paying for.

@Lug take your pick.

Again you fail to identify the point of my post. Please, give up.

They're happy because they live in a land of blissful ignorance where their only option for a dedicated host happens to be a really bad one. They'll be less happy when they see what Rub's hosting service has to offer I think.

See, I've heard this multiple times before. It's totally irresponsible for him to mess with anyone's servers - especially when they're paying. I've even heard rumors of him banning users from all servers he hosts over personal issues which is even more unreasonable lol.

bad rap

Kalphiter's service will be obsolete soon enough lol. For something people are actually paying for it sure is amateur hour up in here. Billing and contract renewal is being discussed in a public forum thread? Kalphiter's having to ask people to pay up by posting in this topic? People have to ask in a forum thread how long they have left until their server expires? I mean come on, all the people using this service have been tricked into thinking this is the best you can get. They're going to be in for a real shock when they see how comprehensive Lub's management system is.

I say his service is stuff because it is stuff. He says my service is stuff because he's autistic.

It's in the final stages of development and testing. Why would I release something to the public without thorough and heavy usage testing? I'm not an amateur like Kalphiter.

Kalphiter isn't paying me, he'd get nothing but the best treatment if he was!

Don't worry, plenty of research has been done and I'm confident my choice is the best option for how I want to run my service. I'm not trying to stuff 50 servers on a node to make the biggest profit out of 1 server, that only leads to quality issues.

The funny bit is, Lub could now produce the most impressive hosting service the world has ever seen, EVER and you guys would still call it bullstuff. I think you've all dug yourselves into such a hole there's no way you'll ever say "You know what Lub, you really pulled this one out of the bag - nice job man."

Looking forward to your reactions!

PayPal IPN for proper payment pages isn't the nicest of codes, probably above the level of a beginner.

Err except everyone's just been ripping you over your complete and utter lack of functionality to such an extent that you rely on people sending you private messages on the Blockland forums in order to setup hosting accounts for them and send payment requests? Yeah, definitely excelling in the functionality category lmao
Not got much faith in your functionality department if it takes you 2 years to realise your entire payment and deployment methods are flawed.
I remember what you said, I just find it awkward and embarrassing that people have to get angry at you over your 4th grade "lemonade stall" style business you've got going here before you actually take people and their money seriously.

Probably that this service is basically on par with a lemonade stall run by children in terms of functionality and complexity I guess.

This stuff in big nutshell:

Kalphiter starts dedi server hosting service.
People likes
Rub wants to make his own service
People likes

-6 months passes-

Rub uses all his time to mock Kalphiter's service
Ephialtes sides Rub in this, because he wants finally win Kalphiter in something
Rub's deadline gone = uses even more time to prove his service going to be uber

Really, I myself don't give a forget about server uptimes. I have used Kalphiter's server over half a year for now, and no any complications.


A stuff car works too, doesn't make it any good. Logic is easy.

Your quality commitment for paying clients is absolutely disgusting. When you get a job and start earning money properly you'll realise the error of your ways I'm sure.

Wrong again - they just don't have a proper alternative yet. Once they get one (Rub's!!) anyone with an ounce of intelligence is going to switch.

Oh forget off haha. People aren't going to boycott a quality service because the guy who runs it is a richard. My attitude doesn't interfere with their experience using the service so what's the problem? There are a handful of people making their hate for me known and thousands of users who just get on with their lives and enjoy using what I've built for them.

Most people think Rub's a richard (he is) yet I guarantee the vast majority of Kalphiter's users will be moving over to his service because it's so much more advanced and comprehensive.

Take your anti-me stuff over to my drama thread and let us continue to discuss this abomination of a hosting service.

I don't think Kalphiter was the only one acting like a child.  If you want I can hunt through their buttbuddy Boltster's VERY valuable and constructive posts. 

BTW these are all from Kalphiter's topic.

I agree, but I doubt anything will change until one service succeeds.

I agree, but I doubt anything will change until one service succeeds.
There doesn't have to be only one hosting service.
Otherwise there would be a monopoly. There can always be several hosting services or several other businesses etc. Calm your tits and please stop acting as if yours is superior, both yours and Lub's are good.

There doesn't have to be only one hosting service.
Otherwise there would be a monopoly. There can always be several hosting services or several other businesses etc. Calm your tits and please stop acting as if yours is superior, both yours and Lub's are good.
Thank you. Also. I think Kalphiter and his followers should stay out of here, and Lub and his followers should stay out of KapHost.

Thank you. Also. I think Kalphiter and his followers should stay out of here, and Lub and his followers should stay out of KapHost.
Didn't you stuff all over the RTB hosting thread?

RTB service will crush anyone left on Kalphost service.
Imagine a meteor hitting a planet. That meteor is RTB and that planet is kalphost.
lolololol this is funny to sit back and laugh at all the bitchin' comments from kalph. pathetic.

Imagine a meteor hitting a planet.
The meteor would completely destroy itself and deal much less damage to the planet.