Author Topic: RTB Dedicated Hosting Service - Service Closing  (Read 288972 times)


tried typing
RTB_Hosting.addCustomStreamEvent("I pooped", "game" ,"warn", "Quantity:900,Color:Brown,Shape:Swirl,Neatness:10");

in console and nothing happened to activity stream

wait got it.

Can we get a shot of the CPU manager?

It's not exactly a CPU manager, it's just available on the graph:

It'll be disabled by default but you just need to hit the greyed out "CPU Usage" in the legend and it'll save that and keep it enabled for you whenever you load the dashboard.

It's not exactly a CPU manager, it's just available on the graph:
What's it measured in?
This makes me want to get this more and more.

What's it measured in?
This makes me want to get this more and more.

It's just a % of the core your server is running on. Almost all servers will be 0% unless you're doing something really intensive.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 05:35:46 PM by Ephialtes »

This would be great if I actually had money.

This would be great if I actually had money.
So much this..

It's just a % of the core your server is running on. Almost all servers will be 0% unless you're doing something really intensive.
Would be better if it was in MHz. Either way, it's still cool.

Would be better if it was in MHz. Either way, it's still cool.
That wouldn't really work, % is fine. Thanks for the kind words everyone, I'd say Ephi probably deserves a bit more of that love though!

That wouldn't really work, % is fine.
As Ephi said it will be 0% most of the time so what's the point in adding something if it will display 0 all the time? MHz will give it more of a purpose other than to display 0.

It's more for identifying when you're using a large amount of CPU rather than just for knowing how much you're using.

What access level is it to allow someone to change the server key?

What access level is it to allow someone to change the server key?
Just transfer ownership?

It requires full access. Permissions are a bit unclear at the moment but we're going to re-do that soon to make access control more granular and configurable. Someone with console access can also change the server key though.