Author Topic: RTB Dedicated Hosting Service - Service Closing  (Read 260255 times)

The service has been pretty pissy this week. My servers will crash at random times, the dashboard will just be totally frozen. It happened just now to bl-12270-01, yesterday to bl-12270-03, and on Wednesday to bl-12270-01 as well.

The service has been pretty pissy this week. My servers will crash at random times, the dashboard will just be totally frozen. It happened just now to bl-12270-01, yesterday to bl-12270-03, and on Wednesday to bl-12270-01 as well.
I just had a look and I see no support tickets from you related to this issue, how are we supposed to diagnose problems if we're not aware of them? Saying that, servers don't just crash. Try clearing out your addons and see if the problem persists - it won't.

It hasn't just been him, many others have reported this service to be stuffty earlier, you can't expect everybody to instantly assume to go to and file a support ticket or whatever instead of posting on this topic.

It hasn't just been him, many others have reported this service to be stuffty earlier, you can't expect everybody to instantly assume to go to and file a support ticket or whatever instead of posting on this topic.

Well that's the least we can ask of our customers. If you're not getting the level of quality you expect then please raise a ticket and let us know so we can do something about it. Saying nothing and then complaining a week down the line isn't helpful for anybody.

It hasn't just been him, many others have reported this service to be stuffty earlier, you can't expect everybody to instantly assume to go to and file a support ticket or whatever instead of posting on this topic.
Rub and Ephialtes have mentioned support ticket many times. It's not hard to understand at all.

Any chance we can see options in the dashboard's brick loading for ownership loading and maybe even load offsets?

Can't wait to start using this service again.

Does the dashboard count bricks from each BL_ID that built at least 1 bricks?

Could we get a button to clear the activity stream or make it clear when you reset your server please?

Any chance we can see options in the dashboard's brick loading for ownership loading and maybe even load offsets?

Yep, that's all in the plan for the new brick loading/management page.

Does the dashboard count bricks from each BL_ID that built at least 1 bricks?

I'm not too sure what this means.

Could we get a button to clear the activity stream or make it clear when you reset your server please?

We can do. We've had a few requests for this but we're not sure how to go about it just yet. It's coming though.

How many lines per minute or lines per second does it take to disable the console output?

How many lines per minute or lines per second does it take to disable the console output?

This has been disabled for the past few weeks.

I am posting this because i've responded to a ticket with a problem two days ago, and gave you guys two days to respond. I am now posting here, since i did not get a response using the ticket system like suggested. My server is stuck at "updating...". The start buttons are grayed out. It's been like this for two days, and I cannot cancel the updating.

I also suggest a better ticket reply system. I do not know when you guys reply without having to open each ticket each time. You should add a notification box for them.

I think you should add some way to save your addons list as it is, and be able to save and load them. That way I could easily flick between different servers setups without having to remember everything