Author Topic: Psp's city RPG - it's back baby.  (Read 1761 times)

due to an unforeseen limitless ammount of chores upon AdinX, the party has been called off for today, but there will still be a party either tomorrow or the 27th. Sorry guys...

Ladies and gents
Boys and girls
Children of all ages
(and Dionysus)

Psp's City RPG WILL be live today, Tuesday, December 25th
To host a special Christmas party for those of you with time to be online!

For the past week a lot of work has been dedicated to the remodeling of the towns, transportation, rules and coding of the server. In that time, I, AdinX, supreme overlord co-host to Psp's City RPG, have been working on and coordinating a Christmas party. To this point, I must admit, we are understaffed. However, any time I and any registered admins have this Christmas will be dedicated to the hosting of said party.

I am posting this from my iPhone at 1:44 am because forget I forgot I'm sorry guys please forgive me I realized just how important it was to spread the word about this.

Yes prizes.
At server opening time (no set time, however long it takes me to finish up the activity zone), there will be 26 "gifts" given out, each containing a code. When the server goes fully public*, codes will be redeemable for cash (or in one case, a physical prize!)

Being that I am coordinator for this event, I take full responsibility for any mishaps during server runtime / party. Any fault in server productivity is my own fault as co-host/coordinator and should not be blamed on psp or his RPG. (I also rushed psp into releasing an testing the current mod, it is mostly functional. Just don't try and run me over please.)

if you cannot make the party, we understand!
I mean, it's not like I have better things I could be doing
The activity area is a PERMANENT addition, and the Christmas theme will stay until January 5th, 2013 (because adin RSVP'd at kalph's new years party ;) )
AND, just to be extra fair, there IS (if I can finish it in time) a skii challenge course! The top 5 time will receive, in order from 1st to 5th, $750, $700, $650, $600 and $500

Skii times will be compared on the 5th, meaning if you miss the party, you still have a chance to get some extra moolah

Please note, once I have time, I will turn this into the OFFICIAL primary topic of Psp's City RPG.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2012, 12:06:24 PM by AdinX »

How did you come up with the prize money?

I think he is talking about city rp money.

I think he is talking about city rp money.
would make more sense yes.

would make more sense yes.
Being that I'm still not asleep I can clarif-
I think he is talking about city rp money.

Yeah, prize money will be in the city RPG's currency, the server WILL have the mod on but unless I get AT LEAST 3 admins online, city is off limits. This means no bank nor food, but the starving status doesn't kill, so it shouldn't be too big a deal. There was consideration for a build contest, but being that it would be after Christmas... Eh.

I'm admin, let me in?

Being that I'm still not asleep I can clarif-
Yeah, prize money will be in the city RPG's currency
Darn. I wanted $750..

I'm admin, let me in?
Darn. I wanted $750..

Two hours later...

IRC me and I'll let you in.

I sent in my admin application 2 months ago and provided a new database system for the server to make it 20* faster. When am I going to be admin?

I sent in my admin application 2 months ago and provided a new database system for the server to make it 20* faster. When am I going to be admin?
When yours truly spends time looking over walls of text and makes a judgement call on whether or not about 30 people are bullstuffting their admin review.

You have good odds as is though, so you in particular can expect a positive response within 1-3 days

It's the 27th, where's the party at dawg?