
Have register-to-play options? - Keep in mind that if you vote yes, people can still join. They will just be killed before the round starts to watch gameplay and to actually play, they must register.


Author Topic: Betrayal in Block Boulevard (BBB) - Official Topic: Fixin' dat client!  (Read 39632 times)

Logos by Manty

- General -

The game first starts with all players in one area. There is a 30 second preparation period, where the players can roam around the map, searching for weapons, ammo, and hiding spots. During this time, players cannot harm each other. The players, however, can die from environmental damage, like fire and falling. Players who have been hurt/killed will be healed/respawned once the prep period is over. When the Prep period is over, the game begins and all effects of the game will be active. These include player-versus-player damage, players that die will not respawn until the next round, and players can buy equipment.

- The Three Groups -

When a player plays BBB, they will be divided up into three different groups. The groups are Innocent, Detective, and Traitor. All groups can kill other players. Detectives and Traitors can buy equipment from an equipment menu accessed by hitting the "C" key.


The Innocent are the majority (normally 75% of the game's population.) Their group color is green. A traitor is shown as an innocent to everyone, except for other traitors. As an innocent player, you are the most vulnerable. Innocent players risk being killed by Traitors and being wrongly accused of being a Traitor. They also cannot buy equipment. The player can pick up weapons and use them against would-be killers, but normally, players will be killed, due to the surprise nature of the attack.


The Detectives are the smallest group in BBB (12.5% of the population or one Detective for every eight players.) Their group color is blue. Their job is to find out who the Traitors are. A Detective is generally a high profile target to Traitors, due to the Detective's ability to use their DNA scanners to scan bodies which yields evidence. Detectives, when searching bodies, can find extra information, like who he last saw. The Detectives can retrieve unspent equipment credits from dead Detectives and Traitors. Also, all Detectives get a credit when a Traitor is confirmed to be dead.


The Traitors are the medium sized group in BBB (25% of the population or one Traitor for every four players.) Their group color is red, but this is not displayed to anyone other than Traitors, or when a Traitor has been confirmed to be dead. Their job is to kill all of the Innocent players. Traitors have the toughest job because of how the Innocent normally group together. This disadvantage, however, can be their greatest strength, as when two or more Traitors team up, they can take down the entire group. Of course, other players will grow suspicious when players start disappearing. Be prepared to get scanned, killed, or have to do some killing. Traitors, like Detectives, can buy equipment, mostly weapons. Like Detectives, Traitors can retrieve unspent equipment credits from dead Detectives and Traitors, and will be rewarded with a credit when a Detective is confirmed to be dead.

- Equipment -

Main/Findable Equipment

  • Crowbar
    + Default item (Everybody gets one)

  • AK-47
  • M4
  • Shotgun
  • MAC10
  • Sniper Rifle
  • Desert Eagle
  • Grenade
  • Incendiary Grenade
  • Smoke Grenade

Detective Buyable Equipment

  • DNA Scanner
    + Default item (All Detectives get one)
     + Scans DNA on a body, showing the current location of the killer. You must reach a body within a couple minutes of death, or the DNA will expire.

  • Body Armor
    + Adds 50 health to the detective. Has no affect on the player's appearance.

  • Radar
    + Scans every 30 seconds, showing the location of every living player.

  • Health Station
    + When placed, any player (including Traitors!) can use this to heal. Has a limited charge, but slowly recharges over time. Can be destroyed.

  • Binoculars
    + Identifies bodies from a distance. Takes a few seconds of standing still to activate, rendering the Detective a sitting duck for a Traitor.

  • Defusal Kit
    + Can be used to more safely defuse a Traitor's C4 than attempting to do so without one.

  • Truth Pistol
    + As the name implies, a 'truth' pistol. It will end any traitor life, if shot, or confirm any innocent proven, if shot. However, it only comes with one bullet and the Detective must have a good reason for using it, such as another player simply being in close proximity to the Detective.

Traitor Buyable Equipment

  • Body Armor
    + Adds 50 health to the traitor. Has no affect on the player's appearance.

  • Radar
    + Scans every 30 seconds, showing the location of every living player.

  • Fake Health Station
    + When placed, if a player attempts to use it, it will beep for around 3 seconds and then explode. (Looks the same as a normal Health Station)

  • Stealth Pistol
    + A silenced pistol allowing for medium range silent kills. Victims do not scream when killed. Does low damage and has mediocre accuracy.

  • Stealth Knife
    + Can be used to silently stab an unsuspecting victim, and can be thrown with right click. It deals about 50 damage. Like the stealth pistol, victims do not scream when killed.

  • C4
    + A destructive timed bomb. The Bomb can be programmed to explode after any time between 45 seconds and 5 minutes. When it expires, it causes multiple deadly explosions that will kill anyone within a fairly long radius. Has a distinctive beep to alert the Innocents. Any Innocent can try to defuse it by cutting 1 of 6 wires at random, but the longer the timer is set for, the more likely they will cut a bad wire and cause it to explode instantly. Detectives can use Defusal Kits to more safely defuse C4.
  • Flare Gun
    + Shoots a flare to burn a dead body (not able to identify); can be used as a weapon, dealing about 50 damage over a short period of time.

  • Newton Launcher
    + When fired at a player, it will push the player away. Can be used to push people standing on a ledge over. Works at a long distance, but has a long recharge. Uses the printgun model, so if you hold it out you will be an obvious traitor.

  • Decoy
    + Can be used on a body to falsify evidence, causing the location revealed by a DNA test to be incorrect.

  • Radio
    + Can be activated by opening the shop with C and clicking the Radio tab. From there, you can play a number of sounds from the radio, from gunfire to death screams to c4 beeping, which may lure players to or scare them away from the radio.

  • Jihad Bomb
    + Once activated, the Traitor will go into a frenzy for about 2 seconds, screaming "LALALALALALALALA" and, unless an Innocent/Detective guns the Traitor down, the bomb will detonate and kill all surrounding players. Should always be used as a first resort as long as you can kill more than 4 people, plus the whining in dead chat is hilarious.

- Ending -

The round will end under one of three conditions. The conditions are:
  • All Innocent Eliminated
  • All Traitors Eliminated
  • Time Ran Out

The All Innocent Eliminated outcome is when there is at least one Traitor left and no Innocent or Detectives are alive. This outcome is somewhat uncommon, as it is a lot easier to find 3-4 Traitors than to kill 20 or so Innocents and Detectives. The All Traitors Eliminated outcome is when at least one Innocent player is left and there are no Traitors alive. This is the most common outcome, due to the ease of finding Traitors. The Time Ran Out outcome is when there are still Traitors and Innocent players left. This outcome is highly uncommon, due to the rounds being set to 7-10 minutes long and the ratio of Traitors to Innocents (One Traitor for every four Innocents).

- Random Deathmatch (RDM) -

Random DeathMatch (abbreviated to "RDM") is a term used to denote when a player randomly kills other players without just cause, such as when the player is not a Traitor in Betrayal In Block Boulevard. This is a bannable offense.

It is also considered RDM to kill fellow Traitors while you are a Traitor yourself.

- Karma -

Karma is lost when an Innocent kills another innocent, a Traitor kills another Traitor, a Detective kills an innocent, a Detective kills another Detective, or an Innocent kills a Detective. The highest karma can go to is 1500. You start off with 1000. If a player's karma is low, they are at risk for an auto ban.
If a player's karma reaches 600 they will be banned for 24 hours.
If a player's karma reaches 400 they will be permanently banned.

Karma can be increased through killing Traitors if you're an Innocent/Detective and vice versa. Karma also saves when you leave the server. An Innocent player with high karma will not loose as much karma for killing another Innocent with low karma as would be lost for killing another Innocent with high(er) karma.

- Credits -

Bad King Urgrain, for the idea and creation of Trouble In Terrorist Town the gamemode in Garry's Mod.
Alphadin, for scripting literally everything including the weaponry and equipment. Also for modeling some equipment.
Brian Smith, who helped with a few coding things.
Aware14 & ShadowsfeaR for modeling some pretty good looking guns.
Khain, for modeling some badass equipment including the lovey flare gun.
Manty, for making some lovey logos.
Lastly, Mr.Nobody, for working on Roy The Ship from Garry's Mod, which will be the main map for the mod.

I would have never done it without these guys.

- Website -

We now have a website for the server!
Register on the website if you need to submit builds, report bans and etc.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 05:42:12 PM by Nobot »

- Administration -

SA - Nobot
SA - Alphadin
SA - Kazami
SA - Mr.Nobody
A - Mute
A - Kojolika
A - Masterlegodude
A - Kakashi11
M - Frontrox
M - Vyacheslav
M - Kong123
M - Racerboy
M - ?

- Rules -

Max ban times for infractions are 1 day.

I01: Names need to consist of some English letters and be easily pronounced.
I02: Only detectives can give orders, disobeying allows the detectives to hurt, but not kill, as a warning. The detective can also confirm reasonable suspicion on you.
I03: No flaming groups. (traitors, innocents, detectives)
I04: No mass arguments/flame wars on the server. Anybody involved in one will be banned.
I05: No spamming of any kind.
I06: No flaming of ethnicity, culture or religion. (racism, loveism, etc)
I07: Do not be a nuisance to the server in any way.
I08: Respect the admins. If you flame an admin or spam an admin you will be banned. This includes through RTB chat.
I09: Do not name yourself similar to another player on the server.
I10: Only one account of a BL_ID can be on the server at a time.
I11: Do not have names that will cause a confusion to the server. (Traitor, Detective, Innocent)
I12: Try not to let the time run out as a traitor, don't waste other peoples time.
I13: Be forgiving. People make mistakes. If you get RDMed accidentally, try to acknowledge that.
I14: Do not kill rulebreakers. Don't take the law into your own hands, only shoot in self defense.
I15: Do not set random KOS' even as a traitor!

Admins' words are final, we are above the rules as we actually wrote them. This does not mean that you can never explain how a ban was unfair.

Max ban times for misdemeanors are 7 days.

M01: Do not troll.
M02: Do not RDM.
M03: Do not camp for a long period of time.
M04: No ghosting, cheating, or giving yourself an unfair advantage in anyway.
Ghosting is private or non-private communication between another player on the server that is giving away unfair information.

All felonies are permanent bans.

For felonies, all the Super Admin's have to come to a agreement to place a felony on a person for a certain reason having to do with a rule break.
Normally felonies are placed on a person for breaking rules constantly, many times.

- General Traitorous Actions -

If you kill for any of the following reasons, it DOES NOT counts as RDM.

Having a traitor weapon out.
Blocking in a dangerous area, an area where you can't escape, or for blocking weapons.
Destroying Health Stations.
Not identifying bodies at all.
Attacking non-suspicious players for no reason.
Hiding or dumping bodies.
Person not responding to live checks by detectives purposely. (You witness them alive and yet they don't reply to live checks)
Being targeted in a person's "last words" (before they died if they said your name)
Entering a traitor only area. (Only on some maps)
Being in disguise (No name/info when crosshair hovers on them)
Planting C4/radio/other traitor equipment.
Destroying or withholding evidence (burning bodies, etc)
Traitor Baiting (Traitors can't just say they are going to kill all innocents in chat) (You can kill them if someone says that, even jokingly)
You can kill if someone is constantly moving the health station (keyword: constantly), hiding the health station, or dumping the health station.

- RDM -

Low offense RDMs
Note: These only apply if you kill as a Detective or Innocent.
Max time for low offense RDMs is 6 hours.
RDM-L01: Killing somebody for being uncooperative with Detectives.
RDM-L02: Killing somebody for looking around a lot or acting very strange.
RDM-L03: Killing somebody for door spamming. (Report to an admin guys, don't kill)
RDM-L04: Killing somebody for having the same gun that recently killed a person.
RDM-L05: Killing somebody for blocking in a non-dangerous area, or an area you can go around. (You should kill only if they block in: dangerous areas, places you can't go around, or for blocking weapons)
RDM-L05: Killing traitors as a traitor. (Unless planned)
RDM-L06: Killing AFK players as non-traitor.
RDM-L07: Killing somebody for going into an area you are in.

Medium offense RDMs
Note: These only apply if you kill as a Detective or Innocent.
Max time for medium offense RDMs is 1 day.
RDM-M01: Killing somebody because you thought he was a traitor. (No proof)
RDM-M02: Killing somebody because they are constantly aiming at or watching players through the crosshair of their gun.
RDM-M03: Killing somebody because you failed to diffuse a C4 without warning when people are around. (If you fail, it can explode and kill innocents)
RDM-M04: Killing somebody because you threw a incendiary/explosive grenades that damaged or killed them.
RDM-M05: Killing somebody because they are constantly following you.
RDM-M06: Killing somebody because they didn't follow your orders.

High offense RDMs
Note: These only apply if you kill as a Detective or Innocent.
Max time for high offense RDMs is 7 days.
RDM-H01: Killing somebody for fun. (This is considered trolling)

- Level of suspicion & when you kill for it -

No Suspicion
- You did not witness or hear them do anything out of the ordinary.
- You are not able to kill them for this level of suspicion.

- The person is a detective.
- You have no reason to think they are traitors at all.

Mere Hunch
- You did not witness them or hear them do anything out of the ordinary but you get a strange feeling around them.
- You are not able to kill them for this level of suspicion.

- You have not seen them around lately.
- They disappear at times.
- They have their guns out a lot.

Reasonable Suspicion
- You did not witness them in crime. Something made you very suspicious about them.
- You are not able to kill them for this level of suspicion.

- You heard gunshots coming from where they may be at.
- You saw gunshots coming from an area where they are around.
- You witnessed them come close to shooting a person accidentally.
- You witness them shooting at you accidentally. (not continuously)
- You got shot by the person accidentally. (They accidentally shot you)
- You see them constantly accuse somebody of traitorous acts.
- You see them with a gun that a body died from.
- You see them very nervously moving around.
- You see them hiding around areas or crouching to prevent footstep noises.
- You at times see them scoping areas out.
- You see somebody at high areas with the sniper.
- You see a group of people going around places together. (Possibly a traitor group)
- You see following you or stalking you.
- You see them following somebody else or stalking somebody else.
- You see others agree to KOS somebody and they don't state a liable reason.
- You see them disobeying detective orders.

Probable Cause
- You witnessed something that gives you probable cause that they are traitors.
- You can kill them for this level of suspicion.

- You witnessed them leaving an area that contains unidentified bodies.
- You witnessed them come close to shooting a person deliberately. (non accidental) (They shot but missed near the person)
- You see others agree to KOS somebody and they state a liable reason.

Proof beyond a reasonable doubt
- You witnessed something that makes you very sure they are traitors.
- You can definitely kill them for this level of suspicion.

- You witness them shooting at a person for no reason.
- You witness them shooting a detective.
- You witness them holding traitorous equipment. (C4, Flare gun)
- You witness them using traitorous equipment.
- You witness them dumping/hiding a body.
- You witness them dumping/hiding health stations.
- You witness them kill a person and not identify the body.
- You witness them kill a person for no reason.
- You witness them shooting at you deliberately.
- You got shot by the person deliberately. (They purposely shot you)
- You witness them attack someone with their sword moving.
- You get attacked by their sword moving.

- 'Mens rea' Rule System -

Prior to the 1960s, mens rea in the United States was a very slippery, vague and confused concept.
Since then, the formulation of mens rea set forth in the Model Penal Code has been highly influential throughout North America in clarifying the discussion of the different modes of culpability. BBB will use a system like this, only, when dealing with peoples mindset's when breaking a rule.

Negligently: The person is not paying attention or breaks a rule because he did not pay attention. Even though a aware player wouldn't have done such actions
*Ban time doesn't change.
Recklessly: The person knows he is breaking a rule and yet he still does it. Even though a rule-following player wouldn't have done such actions.
*Ban time slightly increased.
Knowingly: The person is practically certain that what he is doing will lead him to get banned. Certain he broke a rule.
*Ban time slightly increased.
Unknowingly: The person is not practically certain that what he is doing will lead him to get banned. Uncertain he broke a rule.
*Ban time doesn't change.
Purposefully: The person wants to break the rules purposely with intentions to get banned or troll.
*Ban time highly increased.
Without Reason: The person broke a rule and did not explain anything about what happened, and, in some cases, doesn't want to explain.
*Ban time slightly increased.

In some cases it can be more than one mindset.
For example, somebody can Recklessly & Purposely break the rules.
He knew he was breaking a rule and he also did it purposely to get banned.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 07:12:59 PM by Nobot »

« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 09:37:52 PM by Nobot »

"Administration always becomes before roleplay"

I will mention this now, there are no applications to join the team, the SA's with talk over and choose someone when needed.

welcome to the team. You are highly encouraged the study the rules, so you are not just familiar with the rules of the server, but are proficient at them.
This is a time to get your feet in some basic administrative duties and get to know the staff.
You are expected to respond to administrator calls whenever possible, and they are to.
You will be granted the ability to kick, if you need to join a sit, just ask in the admin chat, and the higher authority should respond.

Congratulations, you've been recommended by your peers and the higher administrators have granted Administrator. This is the time where you continue to further learn the rules of the server and help moderators out.
Do not expect them to take every situation, you are expected to take some, but you are encouraged to help moderators take them if requested. Be constructive to your moderators as they are still learning as you are.
Please respect higher ranks and like moderators, if someone calls something first, let them have it.
You are allowed to ban for any length of time and permanently ban with permission from a super administrator.
If you see abuse from another administrator or moderator contact a Superadmin as soon as possible and a sit will resolve the problem.

Super admin
You are to supervise all lower rank functions. You will grant permission for permanent bans. It is your duty to ensure all situations get tended to, whether it be by you delegating situations to lower ranks or by need, you taking
the situation yourself.
If there are enough administrators and moderators on deck to take the amount of calls coming in, it better serves your position to make sure the lower ranks take the situations and you /spy and watch
several staff members effectiveness in situations than to get tied down in one situation.
However if there are more situations than can be handled by the current staff, you are still required to take situations if needed. You have displayed a mastery of the rules and are what we need in running the staff as a whole.
This is not an excuse for inactivity. You are privileged with further tool groups. forum moderator, and are expected to perform further duties. This includes staff meetings with the supers and other doubles, voting on appeals and
applications, and helping us improve the server. This rank is not applied for, but we call those who we need to fill the positions to keep our community running smoothly. You are the higher ranks right hands of the community.
Maintain respect for all staff and give ear to the Super Administrators.

Follow these as a staff member
  • You are entitled to play the server like everyone else, but if you are needed, you must help..
  • Moderators, if you need someone banned for more than 2 weeks, have an an administrator confirm the ban time. If you need someone to permanently ban, you must acquire permission from a Super Administrator or higher, and the administrator will leave the person of the name in the ban reason..
  • Moderators+ must refrain, trolling, breaking rules, and etc on other servers, if we hear you abuse or break rules, the Super admins will discuss a demotion..
  • Moderators not doing their job or inactive for one week without warning, will be demoted.
  • Pay attention to administrator chat, a lot of information circulates through it.

How to handle a sit properly
Improper way of handling a situation
-"You friend broke RDM, you are being banned bitch!"
Do not insult or offend the person you are sitting.

Proper handling of a situation
-"you broke RDM, you have previous offenses of breaking this rule, you will be punished.

Disicplinary Action
This section regards inactivity.
  • Any authoritative member of staff who has been inactive for 1 week, will be demoted if there was no warning to one of the Super admin will be demoted.
  • joining the server for a few minutes and saying you are active is not aloud, if you are not doing your role as a Moderater or higher you will be demoted.

  • If you break a rule and are caught you will take a permanant demotion of all your power, it is not tolorated to do this, that is why you are highly suggested to study the rules.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 05:42:12 PM by wound »

This is going to be good. Love the logo too!

So you're not using cs_office? (yay?)

So you're not using cs_office? (yay?)
That will most likely be a map that will be added if Skill4Life wants to.
Currently though, there aren't any maps.

SA - Nobot
SA - Alphadin
SA - Kazami
SA - Wound
A - Mute
A - Kojolika
A - Mr.Nobody
A - Masterlegodude
A - Kakashi11

Got everyone's profiles for administration.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 11:15:02 PM by wound »

I love TTT in Gmod.
This makes me happy
« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 12:27:31 AM by Block1zilla »

I'm coder alphadin, and this is my favorite thread in general discussion.

Holy mother of awesome.
How can I become a BETA tester?

I like this idea. I know its not original, but when effort + idea from another game = A great server.

I love name by the way.

Yeah i would like to test this!

Heh, we've been testing it for a while already, so you guys will just have to wait.