Author Topic: Elecro - Idiocy covered by "I'm tired"  (Read 3125 times)

just shrug it off yola

elecro is one of those idiotic types of your typical social outcast.
he'll eventually just realize nobody of importance really wants him here and most likely leave.

i used to feel sorry for the kid
but now he's just an annoying little stuff who tries way too hard to fit in.

just shrug it off yola

elecro is one of those idiotic types of your typical social outcast.
he'll eventually just realize nobody of importance really wants him here and most likely leave.

i used to feel sorry for the kid
but now he's just an annoying little stuff who tries way too hard to fit in.

I really do try to ignore his posts, but sometimes they're just so blatantly stupid I have to comment.

lel so funy!

listen bud, been here 3 and a half years.
imo popularity is a handicapped concept but i know where i stand on the "food chain"
i may not be very high, but i am far from a social outcast myself, haha.

- Elecro -

Alright, let's get started, Elecro is pretty well-known around the forum off topic and drama sections.  He has been drama'd before for attention whoring. though it might have seemed to be true, I wasn't

Now I have put up with him for so long, with his absolutely handicapped comments, and his bullstuff lies and excuses.  To be honest, I'm finally fed up with it. same thing can be said for you

Here's one of Elecro's "backing out" techniques, it's called the "Oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention/I'm tired" what's the technique here? I was genuinely tired

Here's an example of his idiocy, he posts this:

When he posted a thread himself asking for help with females here:  Couldn't find it because I'm lazy

Then he loves to flaunt his 'intelligence' around, keep in mind he knows basically nothing about anything he says
This coming from a guy who knows nothing about computers first off all, don't tell me what I know and don't know, you're just some guy on the internet, not someone I know IRL, acting like he knows what he's talking about
Coming from the guy who posted an entire thread on what antivirus he should get jesus forget, I can't ask which is the best antivirus you can get based on other's opinions? even computer techs will link you to different stuff than other people

And literally like 20% of his posts are about like this.

Then, he is a major loving attention whore, he posts lies, and random stuff for attention.  His dad dying, was bullstuff, his age he told us, was bullstuff then told truthfully and kept it there.  Then he tries to have this internet ego or some stuff and acts like he's the toughest thing around if anything, I act like the most scared thing around, when in reality my 5 year old sister could win against him in a boxing match. because you DEFINITELY know my muscle mass and weight, right?

Keep in mind reading through his posts will probably enlighten you a bit more, I just can't quote every single dumb thing he does, as I'd hit the character limit.

I for one, hate him i hate you too ;).  Discuss your feelings.

Posted my responses in bold.

1) It was, in my opinion, true

2) Is this topic about me?  Nope

3) You were tired what, 3 times quoted and many others?  Good job liar

4) I do know that you know nothing about it seeing your level of stupidity when it comes to the subject

5) That logic and response makes 0 sense

6) Okay, but in my opinion, it's otherwise

7) From the puny pictures I've seen, yes

8) Doesn't really matter if you hate me, seeing as your still a friend

In the beginning, he wanted attention, and underestimated the forums. But he's cleaned up now I think, and I can deal with him.

lel so funy!

listen bud, been here 3 and a half years.
imo popularity is a handicapped concept but i know where i stand on the "food chain"
i may not be very high, but i am far from a social outcast myself, haha.

what a badass

lel so funy!

listen bud, been here 3 and a half years.
imo popularity is a handicapped concept but i know where i stand on the "food chain"
i may not be very high, but i am far from a social outcast myself, haha.
think he meant irl

I support this.

However, you are lacking some MAJOR proof, you need to find the link to the "thread asking for help with females" that you claim he posed. Or Elecro can provide us with that link himself, so we know you are not lying about that topic.

This is the only post I'm going to make here, but my dad dying was indeed NOT bullstuff.

Posted my responses in bold.

You broke your promise. :3