Author Topic: Trying out a tablet, requests pls.  (Read 1970 times)

Give me some simple stuff to draw, I want to practice with a tablet I'm borrowing from a friend.

Pony pony pony pony and pony


ps tablet tried to kill itself when I started drawing a pony, trying again brb

funny feet, but they're pretty cute still. and the tail is like a scorpion's!

ps tablet tried to kill itself when I started drawing a pony
maybe it's a sign

get me one of those faces you draw.
medium rare.

get me one of those faces you draw.
medium rare.


I don't think I'm good enough with a tablet yet to muster that on the computer.

Draw a kitty!

My friend requested an airship so I consolidated the requests.

may i please ask what program you are using

and do a quick sketch of a blockhead

He's using either Photoshop or Flash