Author Topic: Cubelands apologize for bad attiude to community blockland.  (Read 6652 times)

I literally pull my hair out over this stuff and wonder why you all accept his apologies even though he's had more than two douchebag encounters and the got away with apologies.


. Once in while I had fun a bit.

correct me if i'm wrong, but is this admittance for trolling?

correct me if i'm wrong, but is this admittance for trolling?

Not at all. He's saying he has fun here from time to time.

Not at all. He's saying he has fun here from time to time.
i thought he was saying that his anger was fun.

If he is apologizing for being angered and mean why is he saying he had fun sometimes?

for being mean
cubelands represents the personality of the BL forums

cubelands represents the personality of the BL forums
Terribly misspelling things and being in a bad mood?
Maybe from your point of view but not mine.

i was forgiving after the first apology but you kept being a stuffhead so i'm all out of a forgiveness
shove a richard into your ear OP, maybe it'll help you hear

Terribly misspelling things and being in a bad mood?
Maybe from your point of view but not mine.
Wut u say about ñe you little bitch

No but what I actually believe he meant was the reactions he causes.

forget off. This isn't a drama about glass.
Gee, you think?

It's hard not to post that considering glass is a total hypocrite and just has a grudge against OP

Gee, you think?

It's hard not to post that considering glass is a total hypocrite and just has a grudge against OP
wanna forget off

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« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 10:41:38 PM by Badspot »