Author Topic: Don't look at this if you don't like Vegan shirt.  (Read 12411 times)

Besides, who the hell is going to eat a venus fly trap?

They look a bit like Lima beans...

Plants don't get much energy so it uses up loads when closing the trap.

They only get 10% of the sun's energy which is available to them, they use photosynthesis to turn that into food.

Wow. For all the raising of posters that state "For every animal you don't eat, I'll eat three!", why do many of you seem so intollerant to vegeterians for simply choosing the lyfestle they chose to take? Now I'm definitely not a vegeterian myself, but unless they're trying to make an influence and change your lyfestyle, then what's the problem? If they want to destroy their own bodies, then so be it. Just live and let live.
Because vegans are ignorant morons.
If you are ACTUALLY STUPID enough to contradict nature's plan for life, then... That's self-explanitory.

each leaf will die after about 4-5 times opening and closing.
yet its hard to resist playing with them if you have one lol.

If you are ACTUALLY STUPID enough to contradict nature's plan for life, then... That's self-explanitory.

lol also a anti gay message right?

Then they grow strange flowers.

Feed a venus fly trap some alcohol or caffeine.

Feed a venus fly trap some alcohol or caffeine.
Don't feed them Mountain Dew though... If you do, keep in mind that Weedkiller is inaffective, and a typical Rake or Sword will suffice.

Feed a venus fly trap some alcohol or caffeine.
Spiders Venus Flytraps on drugs.

for epic win get one of them plants that trap insects and flood them, pour some vodka in there and add a bee/wasp/spider/fly and let it out after a 10 seconds.

Because vegans are ignorant morons.
If you are ACTUALLY STUPID enough to contradict nature's plan for life, then... That's self-explanitory.
I like how you gave me an answer that... wasn't so much of an answer, as is was meant to be some sort of insult.

If you really wan't to talk about contradicting nature's plan of life, then how about all of the other rules that we've broken? Like taking a dump into a sewer system that leads into the ocean, rather than in the ground. Or driving cars rather than walking. Were those not intended? And how about digging up oil and valuable materials from the ground. Surely that doesn't contradict natures plan for life either. There's also the use of electricity, flying, science, space exploration, sitting on your ass hours a day in front of the TV or computer while getting fat rather than making use of yourself, grocery shopping instead of hunting. The list just goes on...

That doesn't exclude the fact that you're supposed to eat meat, you can't survive without it.

well animals eat animals and don't seem to mind.
naturally we are not any different from animals, don't believe so just because some bible friends say any different.
we are animals