Author Topic: Zay's Lakeside TF2 Koth  (Read 19140 times)

Name - Kazami
BL_ID - 1465
Experience - Nobot's Servers, Kojolika's Server, and Tons Of Other Servers That Aren't Around Anymore.
Who suggests you - Nobot, Wound, Mute, and Kojolika
Reasoning - I love your server and you're a awesome dude so I'd love to administrate on your server. And I have a lot of experience with being admin on people's servers for a lot of years.

Name -Xolerate
BL_ID -24232
Experience -I am admin on "Peanuts ThrowMod DM" And Socrates "Bounty Hunter"
Who suggests you -Me ._.
Reasoning -1.I love this server, best tf2 one yet
               2.I think i'm great with community, and I can watch when ever I'm home (unless i'm watching peanuts/helping.)

(Also, I know their is a lot of admins on here already, but I can least try to, right?

Admin applications will be reviewed by the other admins and I shortly, and I will make the final decision. Zay and I agreed on selecting me as the person to do the deciding of the applications.

EDIT: We are almost done reviewing the applications of today, so if you want to post yours, do it in the next couple minutes.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 07:23:47 PM by Dr_Zegobob »

so many apps

So far, only 8 Applications applied as of 12/12/12

Good photo eh?


Name - Popcorn Maniac both on forums and on BL
BL_ID - 24683
Experience - I have experiance in both hosting and administrating, eventing, and also with minor helps on big projects such as boxes and small props
Who suggests you - Lolmaster, Enderman
Reasoning - I absoulty ADORE this server. Its hard to come by good maps, good people, and good fun. This is a great TF2 build, one of the best I've seen. I would love to have admin and just keep this server running with the good people and the good fun. Also, im not a half bad eventer.

Dr. Zegobob - Poorly written, needs more effort, and recommendations and experience are poor and need to be brought out more. No thank you.
Tetrahedron - No, because you do not have any previous servers. You also lack reccomendations. It's another typical admin app. RATING: 5/10
Zay - No, your attitude in the server is obnoxious, you didn't mention any experience
and effort is barely put into the app. Also you don't seem to take this so serious.
Agent Creeper - I wouldn't really want him as an admin, begging for admin, and actually saying he can event/build. Too vague and not really that much of effort put into this.



Name- Clix on both forums and Blockland
BL_ID- 8249
Experience- I have a lot of experience in administrating servers, very crowded ones at that. I don't administrate as often as I did a before though, but I am willing to come on whenever needed.
Who would suggest you: Kong123, Yatterman are probably the most recent ones I have administrated for.
Reasoning: I usually always love your servers especially this one. I don't see very many good servers anymore and the ones that do I feel could still always use some help, I have always liked to administrate servers. I am usually pretty strict on rules, and I can tell if somebody needs a kick or ban. You are also one of my good friends.

Dr. Zegobob - I have seen you online quite often, and I think you are a good friend of Zay, so I beleive you could help the server. However as I am uneasy about accepting you, this might be a good person to have with us. You have my yes.
Tetrahedron - No, Again, no previous experiences of admin, and not enought reccomendations. Reasoning is good though. RATING: 7/10
Zay - Yes, you'd make a good admin for the server since I know you make good
decisions and take things seriously.



Name - Wound
BL_ID - 2206
Experience - Nobot's servers'( death race, four corners, up coming BBB, etc(SA) ) Glass' servers( falling plat forms, trench wars(A) ), Jeebis' freebuilding servers (A), Owl's jail escape, Saxophone's server (SA)
Who suggests you - Nobot, Kazami, Mute, Jeebis(inactive)
Reasoning - Administration always comes before gameplay, I understand that.  The server looks good, I will be active as possible, and if you ever need me, I will most likely respond right away.

Dr. Zegobob -  This needs more effort and better grammar however I think you will be accepted if you put a little more time into this.
Tetrahedron - Yes, you have many recomendations, more expirence, and you have a good reason to be admin at out server. RATING: 9/10
Zay - Yes, good experiences, and suggestions, and you could help out a lot in the server.
Agent Creeper - I suppose he does have experiences also he seems pretty mature for the Admin role.



Name - Yogi
BL_ID - 27067
Experience - My experience comes from random servers where I am entrusted with admin by gaining the host trust over time
Who suggests you - I'm recommended by people who have seen me administrate, these include:
- Rubber Duck Truck
- Dawn
- Hayden1212
- Password
and many more.
Reasoning - The reason is that from previous experience, I have learned a lot, such as the fact is I can detect a troll immediately, and that I go through this procedure for people who break server rules and annoying people:
1. Tell them to stop.
2. Threat with kick
3. Kick
4. Threat with ban
5. Ban (10 minutes or so, never permanent)
And I also know what is going on in times of trouble for the server players, to me the most important part of the server is that the  players need to enjoy it.

Dr. Zegobob - No thanks. This needs more explaining and I think of what other applications that I have seen you write, I don't think we should accept you. Also, this more effort on the experience and the recommendations. No thank you.
Tetrahedron - Yes, you have many good reccomendations, and your reasonings seem very good. RATING: 10/10
Agent Creeper - Yes, he is quite the admin I've seen during the time he's on blockland, and his application is so genuine.
Zay - Yes, you seem like a good admin, and you have great reasoning and suggestions.



Name -Xolerate
BL_ID -24232
Experience -I am admin on "Peanuts ThrowMod DM" And Socrates "Bounty Hunter"
Who suggests you -Me ._.
Reasoning -1.I love this server, best tf2 one yet
               2.I think i'm great with community, and I can watch when ever I'm home (unless i'm watching peanuts/helping.)

(Also, I know their is a lot of admins on here already, but I can least try to, right?

Dr. Zegobob - No way, this is very poorly written and the grammar you used in it was very poor. Needs much more effort, and the recommendations and experience are unacceptable. No way.
Agent Creeper - I somewhat do not trust you, and this application did NOT have that much efffort put into it from easy observation, so I have to say no 100%
Tetrahedron - Never in my life, this app is way too small and I think you just want to destroy the server.
Zay - No, this application scares me so much it makes me want to throw up. Your experience is good, but I do not trust you somehow.



Name - Kazami
BL_ID - 1465
Experience - Nobot's Servers, Kojolika's Server, and Tons Of Other Servers That Aren't Around Anymore.
Who suggests you - Nobot, Wound, Mute, and Kojolika
Reasoning - I love your server and you're a awesome dude so I'd love to administrate on your server. And I have a lot of experience with being admin on people's servers for a lot of years.

Dr. Zegobob - Good recommendations and experience, but needs more effort and explaining. I'm going to let the others decide since they might know more about you than I do. However, if I need to say it, No.
Tetrahedron - You have good reccomendations and previous expirences, but your reasonings are a little short. Although, It doesnt really matter. Yes
Agent Creeper - I like the recommendations earned, but the Reasonings is pretty much an eyesore, also the last sentence on your Reasonings was pretty much vague.
Zay - Yes, your suggestions and experience is excellent, also I trust you in a way that you will not mess up the server, and you're an excellent builder.



That's all for today, folks!

Congratulations to Clix and Kazami!


Name - Popcorn Maniac both on forums and on BL
BL_ID - 24683
Experience - I have experiance in both hosting and administrating, eventing, and also with minor helps on big projects such as boxes and small props
Who suggests you - Lolmaster, Enderman
Reasoning - I absoulty ADORE this server. Its hard to come by good maps, good people, and good fun. This is a great TF2 build, one of the best I've seen. I would love to have admin and just keep this server running with the good people and the good fun. Also, im not a half bad eventer.

Oops, I didn't use proper grammar, better try next time, not, and just because someone has bad grammar for 1 post, doesn't mean anything, people who are old don't take time on the forums to post stuff. And I use proper grammar for important posts, not these...

Dr. Zegobob - Poorly written, needs more effort, and recommendations and experience are poor and need to be brought out more. No thank you.
Tetrahedron - No, because you do not have any previous servers. You also lack reccomendations. It's another typical admin app. RATING: 5/10
Zay - No, your attitude in the server is obnoxious, you didn't mention any experience
and effort is barely put into the app. Also you don't seem to take this so serious.
Agent Creeper - I wouldn't really want him as an admin, begging for admin, and actually saying he can event/build. Too vague and not really that much of effort put into this.



Name- Clix on both forums and Blockland
BL_ID- 8249
Experience- I have a lot of experience in administrating servers, very crowded ones at that. I don't administrate as often as I did a before though, but I am willing to come on whenever needed.
Who would suggest you: Kong123, Yatterman are probably the most recent ones I have administrated for.
Reasoning: I usually always love your servers especially this one. I don't see very many good servers anymore and the ones that do I feel could still always use some help, I have always liked to administrate servers. I am usually pretty strict on rules, and I can tell if somebody needs a kick or ban. You are also one of my good friends.

Dr. Zegobob - I have seen you online quite often, and I think you are a good friend of Zay, so I beleive you could help the server. However as I am uneasy about accepting you, this might be a good person to have with us. You have my yes.
Tetrahedron - No, Again, no previous experiences of admin, and not enought reccomendations. Reasoning is good though. RATING: 7/10
Zay - Yes, you'd make a good admin for the server since I know you make good
decisions and take things seriously.



Name - Wound
BL_ID - 2206
Experience - Nobot's servers'( death race, four corners, up coming BBB, etc(SA) ) Glass' servers( falling plat forms, trench wars(A) ), Jeebis' freebuilding servers (A), Owl's jail escape, Saxophone's server (SA)
Who suggests you - Nobot, Kazami, Mute, Jeebis(inactive)
Reasoning - Administration always comes before gameplay, I understand that.  The server looks good, I will be active as possible, and if you ever need me, I will most likely respond right away.

Dr. Zegobob -  This needs more effort and better grammar however I think you will be accepted if you put a little more time into this.
Tetrahedron - Yes, you have many recomendations, more expirence, and you have a good reason to be admin at out server. RATING: 9/10
Zay - Yes, good experiences, and suggestions, and you could help out a lot in the server.
Agent Creeper - I suppose he does have experiences also he seems pretty mature for the Admin role.



Name - Yogi
BL_ID - 27067
Experience - My experience comes from random servers where I am entrusted with admin by gaining the host trust over time
Who suggests you - I'm recommended by people who have seen me administrate, these include:
- Rubber Duck Truck
- Dawn
- Hayden1212
- Password
and many more.
Reasoning - The reason is that from previous experience, I have learned a lot, such as the fact is I can detect a troll immediately, and that I go through this procedure for people who break server rules and annoying people:
1. Tell them to stop.
2. Threat with kick
3. Kick
4. Threat with ban
5. Ban (10 minutes or so, never permanent)
And I also know what is going on in times of trouble for the server players, to me the most important part of the server is that the  players need to enjoy it.

Dr. Zegobob - No thanks. This needs more explaining and I think of what other applications that I have seen you write, I don't think we should accept you. Also, this more effort on the experience and the recommendations. No thank you.
Tetrahedron - Yes, you have many good reccomendations, and your reasonings seem very good. RATING: 10/10
Agent Creeper - Yes, he is quite the admin I've seen during the time he's on blockland, and his application is so genuine.
Zay - Yes, you seem like a good admin, and you have great reasoning and suggestions.



Name -Xolerate
BL_ID -24232
Experience -I am admin on "Peanuts ThrowMod DM" And Socrates "Bounty Hunter"
Who suggests you -Me ._.
Reasoning -1.I love this server, best tf2 one yet
               2.I think i'm great with community, and I can watch when ever I'm home (unless i'm watching peanuts/helping.)

(Also, I know their is a lot of admins on here already, but I can least try to, right?

Dr. Zegobob - No way, this is very poorly written and the grammar you used in it was very poor. Needs much more effort, and the recommendations and experience are unacceptable. No way.
Agent Creeper - I somewhat do not trust you, and this application did NOT have that much efffort put into it from easy observation, so I have to say no 100%
Tetrahedron - Never in my life, this app is way too small and I think you just want to destroy the server.
Zay - No, this application scares me so much it makes me want to throw up. Your experience is good, but I do not trust you somehow.



Name - Kazami
BL_ID - 1465
Experience - Nobot's Servers, Kojolika's Server, and Tons Of Other Servers That Aren't Around Anymore.
Who suggests you - Nobot, Wound, Mute, and Kojolika
Reasoning - I love your server and you're a awesome dude so I'd love to administrate on your server. And I have a lot of experience with being admin on people's servers for a lot of years.

Dr. Zegobob - Good recommendations and experience, but needs more effort and explaining. I'm going to let the others decide since they might know more about you than I do. However, if I need to say it, No.
Tetrahedron - You have good reccomendations and previous expirences, but your reasonings are a little short. Although, It doesnt really matter. Yes
Agent Creeper - I like the recommendations earned, but the Reasonings is pretty much an eyesore, also the last sentence on your Reasonings was pretty much vague.
Zay - Yes, your suggestions and experience is excellent, also I trust you in a way that you will not mess up the server, and you're an excellent builder.



That's all for today, folks!

Oops, I didn't use proper grammar, better try next time, not, and just because someone has bad grammar for 1 post, doesn't mean anything, people who are old don't take time on the forums to post stuff, and I use proper grammar for important posts, not these...

Oops, I didn't use proper grammar, better try next time, not, and just because someone has bad grammar for 1 post, doesn't mean anything, people who are old don't take time on the forums to post stuff, and I use proper grammar for important posts, not these...

Holy forget why the flying bullstuff didn't you SNIP THE QUOTE?

Oops, I didn't use proper grammar, better try next time, not, and just because someone has bad grammar for 1 post, doesn't mean anything, people who are old don't take time on the forums to post stuff, and I use proper grammar for important posts, not these...
The administrator application would count as an "important thing," so please use proper English on it. Also, bad grammar on your application does mean that you put either little effort into it and therefore are not very likely to become part of the server staff.

Hold on Zay said I had to app here.

:c I hate doing apps.

Name: The Administrator
BL_ID: 15740
Experience (Blockland only): You know Zay, Reinforcement, Tango, WhoCares99, Kong
Who suggests you (server hosts, admins, or other users)?: Zay, Reinforcement, Kniaz, ThePortalMaster, Who Cares
Dear the lovely staff who seem to approve applications,

I am Swat 3, or "The Administrator." The name says my title, and what I love. I love to administrate servers, and it is what I do best. I love to keep the gameplay fresh, and new. Yet, I have never played this, even though experience in the gameplay does not count for this job, Zay and I can say we are friends. I am a very mature player, and yes, I fool around with my grammar some, but that is not the picture. I did a very amazing job on my administration of the TrenchWars that Reinfrocement's brought us. Hopefully you good people who worked hard on this very server notice my unique attributions to the work I can give you.

To the dearest of my fellow blockheads,
Swat 3/The Administrator

I try too hard to act 10 more years than I am, and I do a good job at it.

Love you all.

The administrator application would count as an "important thing," so please use proper English on it. Also, bad grammar on your application does mean that you put either little effort into it and therefore are not very likely to become part of the server staff.
Re-do then?

Re-do then?
Sure, you may re-do it as many times as you feel needed, but you must improve to be accepted.
My tip is to work on it in notepad for some amount of time, then submit it here.