Author Topic: The Game - Pause!  (Read 8000 times)

Take cover behind a stump.
Get behind a stump.
Stump stump stump
Hump a stump
All four of you take positions behind stumps, putting you in the middle of your forces. You begin to hear the light clank of armor and boots hitting wet ground.
Walk a little bit deeper into forest holding Weapon firmly
Find ally
Your allies are already right in front of you but you "find" them anyways.

Can I order archers?
no, you guys are not commanders, just regular soldiers.

There goes my steal a bow plan.

Unsheathe Wakizashi and take out my Tessen

Time for this American boot to kick some asses back to Rome

so uh

get out my Colt, I guess

Extend the folded up stock on my Vikhr for added accuracy and take cover behind a fallen tree.
Is this realistic or arcade?  Also you never put my point toward armor.

take out tire iron and wait.

Hide till a enemy walks past and jump out to skin them
with my knife

There goes my steal a bow plan.

Unsheathe Wakizashi and take out my Tessen
Time for this American boot to kick some asses back to Rome

so uh

get out my Colt, I guess
take out tire iron and wait.
Hide till a enemy walks past and jump out to skin them
with my knife
You ready your weapons as you see the Romans round the corner of the road. Their armor glistens in the rain, the heavy sound of clanking armor echoing over the hills. They reach the middle of the road and the company halts. The commander trots his horse up to the front of the line and confronts a messenger that has ridden in unexpectedly from the opposite direction. THey exchange some words and you see the commander turn around and head back to the center of the convoy. As he is exchanges some words with his orderlies, a slow rumbling begins. The Romans look alarmed for a second before their commanders yell, "AMBUSH!". They begin to try to rapidly form a shield wall against the side the cavalry is coming, and as they get into position, four ballista projectiles rip through their lines, injuring and killing multiple men. "Steady men," the commander yells, "These rotten bastards are no match for the mighty Roman empire!"

The cavalry burst through the tree line and collides with the Romans in a gruesome display of carnage. A horn sounds and you see the archers all let loose a slew of arrows that hurl towards the enemy, killing many of the enemy. The footsoldiers of your allies charge forwards through the trees towards the road.

Extend the folded up stock on my Vikhr for added accuracy and take cover behind a fallen tree.
Is this realistic or arcade?  Also you never put my point toward armor.
>implying you have a stock
>implying it would improve your accuracy
>giving yourself random improvments
i also did give you your other armor point, you got a helmet and boots which gave you a total +2. but on the subject of arcade or realistic, its realistic. must have missed that in the description, thanks for pointing that out.

Examine amount of Romans then look for one that is isolated from the group and charge him and with tire iron.  If none are isolated from group then wait...

Head through the trees, but not onto the road, stay in the treeline if the opportunity to head onto the road arises

>implying you have a stock
>implying it would improve your accuracy
>giving yourself random improvments
i also did give you your other armor point, you got a helmet and boots which gave you a total +2. but on the subject of arcade or realistic, its realistic. must have missed that in the description, thanks for pointing that out.

The red outline is a stock.

Do you know a lot about firearms?

I saw that edit

it was a map

Is it possible to dual wield now?

I say stay behind a trunk until things die down.

The red outline is a stock.

Do you know a lot about firearms?
lol no need to get all gun obsessive on me, this is clearly a fictional game and i would assume that you would know by now (especially since you were in the last thread) that extra things like that dont just pop up when you first get it giving you extra special abilities. common sense. even if you really WANT it to have a stock, it wouldnt do anything to your aim and would simply be a decoration (you still dont get a stock just pointing that out).

if you really want to make a huge deal about how im not being 100% accurate about all the items i give you guys then i can take it away and give you a leather boot to slap people with. this game is clearly not realistic, even your first gun is a pistol with a clip smaller then anything reasonable in the real world.

Is it possible to dual wield now?

I say stay behind a trunk until things die down.
you can dual wield but it will severely degrade the usefulness of whatever your are dual wielding unless its a weapon MEANT to be dual wielded (sword and shield for example) or if you have some perk. in the case with your two weapons it wouldnt be very effective seeing as one is longer then the other and is really more effective with two hands.

For me, it wouldn't work very well, since

A. My accuracy would be stuff in my non-dominant hand


B. Hitting someone with something in my non-dominant hand would be stuff