Author Topic: The Game - Pause!  (Read 7948 times)

Hide behind tree wait till a lone enemy
comes past and skin him

Find nearest pocket of Rimins

So I vanish from the face of the internet for three days and this is what I get.

sorry for lack of updates, computer has been loving with me for the past couple of days, posting from my ipod right now and dont really want to try writing a whole update from my ipod. expect an update sometime tonight or tomorrow.


Oh forget, I'm not going to be near a computer for all of tonight


Christmas Eve parties everywhere bro.

6 o' clock mass, don't need no parties bitchs

Weapon upgrade, weapon upgrade, perk.

Because armor are for pansies. I'm sitting this round out I guess.

stopped trying to get it to work, will try again after CHRISTMASSSS tomorrow

Dude christmas is over here, give me an update ;-;

Dude christmas is over here, give me an update ;-;
shhh no one likes to dirty australia future folk with your dumb time machines >:(
should be working in ~1hour give or take

so due to my comp being forgetall, locking this until further notice of it not being dumb. will revive if it ever fixes, sorry about this guys :(