Author Topic: I'm moving to CHINA D:  (Read 3429 times)

It's okay, you can make new friends in a sweat shop.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2012, 09:53:41 AM by Electrk »

Master Blaster lives in China.

Tell him I said hi.

Just so you know, China is in Asia, not Africa.

Congratulations! Now you can get rid of all those IRL friends and spend more time with us! We are your only friends... Forever...
This happened to me.

You guys are stoopid, obviously China drifted off from Asia and collided with and molded into Africa.

thats some bull stuff, sorry man

Don't forget to update us on what grotesque meals you're having there.

I'd personally like to know what snake-worms taste like.

Congratulations! Now you can get rid of all those IRL friends and spend more time with us! We are your only friends... Forever...
great firewall of china.

he has no friends.

My 6+ years in China were depressing. But I'm sure your dad has some good living conditions set up for you.

Big Chinese cities are comparable to American cities. And I doubt he will conduct business in the countryside. Just watch out for that internet censor!

I don't like asian people :c

hong kong is more better than china thoe :I
I hope to god you're kidding...