Author Topic: Thank You  (Read 1709 times)

Blockland is a pretty great game, but the community is the best of which I've ever been a part.

So yeah, thank you Badspot.

I agree with the OP, thanks Badspot.

What the forget is a "Blockland"?
Im joking
I agree

Blockland is quite an amazing game.

i would be alive if it wasnt for blockland

Badspot puts drugs in his game.
He's really a drug dealer.

Wish I could appreciate the game properly. I think I'll have a nice new computer by christmas though

To show his gratitude, Badspot is gonna give us all our $20 back + $5 interest.

I would like to thank Badspot for helping me get over my fear of posting in forums, even if he did it indirectly by creating this wonderful game.