Author Topic: What sickness do you think this is?  (Read 985 times)

It started with a simple sore throat, the next day i started to feel dizzy and have high fevers so i put a cloth with cold water on it over my forehead and went to sleep around 6 something and i woke up at 8:17 and the fever was gone but my dizzy feeling remained. the next day my dizzy feeling was still ramaining and my sore throat came back but it came and went all day. the next day i woke up and just felt dizzy with a sore throat that only lasted for the morning after the morning i felt dizzy still but now the left side of my stomach feels like its being crushed. Any idea what cold I got?
« Last Edit: December 17, 2012, 02:13:17 PM by pwningmachine1 »


And no i have no idea.

Don't ask a forum of mostly 16 year old boys to develop a prognosis for you. It won't be accurate. They have forums of doctors, and even Siri on an iPhone can tell you what you have. This is not the kind of place to trust your health / out-of-game life with.

Sounds to me like you would be better off searching for it.

Get off the forum and go see a doctor.

Sounds like the average run-of-the-mill flu.

Flu, or, late-stage intestinal cancer.

whichever you prefer

Not cold, just flu.
Yeah you're right. Sorry, just used to people over/under-exaggerating how sick they really are and they often get the two mixed up.
So I just say both.

You have the exact same things Me and my family.. and half of my friends had.

I can't identify your ailment, however I recommend hot soup, ginger ale, gargling salt water, and taking in plenty of vitamin C.

Also take a multivitamin if you have them around your house (which you should).

Yeah you're right. Sorry, just used to people over/under-exaggerating how sick they really are and they often get the two mixed up.
So I just say both.
don't blame you, I didn't really know the proper difference until yesterday browsing random wikipedia articles.

It started with a simple sore throat, the next day i started to feel dizzy and have high fevers so i put a cloth with cold water on it over my forehead and went to sleep around 6 something and i woke up at 8:17 and the fever was gone but my dizzy feeling remained. the next day my dizzy feeling was still ramaining and my sore throat came back but it came and went all day. the next day i woke up and just felt dizzy with a sore throat that only lasted for the morning after the morning i felt dizzy still but now the left side of my stomach feels like its being crushed. Any idea what cold I got?
The same sickness i have

Sounds like textbook Goldbloom's wrath. Tell me, have you had love with any panthers lately?

If it's minor symptoms, which you describe, and it's not lasting for long then I would just treat it as you would any cold or flu.

Spend time in bed, take plenty of liquids (This doesn't just mean water. Fluids/Liquids can be anything. Soup is good too. Avoid soft drinks like cola), get some good rest (don't spend time on computers or reading. You could give yourself even worse headaches), try to eat some good proper food, make regular trips to the loo as needed, take proper painkiller medication as needed and ensure you follow proper dosages and instructions (If it says 3 a day, only take 3. If you forget how many you've had do not take any more. Better to be safe than sorry).

If it persists for much longer, then do go and see your doctor. If only to be given a prescription for some painkillers.

And if you do have unusual symptoms I recommend you do not go searching them up online.
There are so many common symptoms to numerous illnesses that it is very simple to mis-diagnose yourself and suddenly think you have some ultra-deadly virus or what not.
If you're not sure then ask your doctor.