Author Topic: mounds bar/broze/whatever the forget - dumb as ass and in denial  (Read 9366 times)

"Come upon myself"? You were the one seeking new bloody modelers for you
No, you can ask Kojo, he even agree'd that we would use all three models of the shields if we liked them, I didn't even see yours sadly.
you cannot deny it, and i'm not seeking new modelers.

you have no patience
yep, I do have a short patience, but it wasn't my concern to get a new model pronto.

I didn't tell you this but it has a horrendously bad setup, Kalphiter was correct about everything about you.
Bad setup? how so.

"Come upon myself"? You were the one seeking new bloody modelers for you, you have no patience. Also, your server, I didn't tell you this but it has a horrendously bad setup, Kalphiter was correct about everything about you.
If you dislike it then don't play it?

Wound banned you because not for "interpersonal problems" necessarily, but for "Being handicapped and insulting wound" who is an administrator.
If you act stupid to an administrator don't expect not to be banned. Even if it is through RTB chat or anything etc.

his ego and arrogance is really cute, and so is the "if your grammar isn't 100% picturesque BOOP YOUR POST IS INVALID" logic

I really don't care if it has nothing to do with my server, it's my server, I choose who i ban, I don't like you, I ban you simple, huh
Watch out, Badspot once permabanned a guy for saying the exact same thing.

I don't have the link anymore.

Ya, it just seems unprofessional.

Also, thanks for making such a kind comment instead of the flame rage I generally get.

Who in their right mind would allow you on their server

Who in their right mind would allow you on their server
You know, Patton, I am getting really tired of you making these comments.

Seriously, who the forget do you think you are?

Seriously, who the forget do you think you are?
obviously some one who shares a negative opinion about you, and so do I.

Get a grip man.

Bad setup? how so.
The entire class system is invalid, and the map has a lot of issues with its design.

obviously some one who shares a negative opinion about you, and so do I.

Get a grip man.
Wow, Wound, this guy has been loving with me for the last 4 months, don't be so damn arrogant.

If you dislike it then don't play it?
"Anyone who posts "who cares" or "no one cares" or similar dismissive statements will be banned."


Nice triple post broze!
Okay, you're just trolling at this point.

Seriously, who the forget do you think you are?

take it easy there, internet tough guy

take it easy there, internet tough guy
Electrk, this guy has been flaming me for months, I grow tired of it.

Okay, you're just trolling at this point.

how the hell is that trolling. I'm just pointing out that you can't interact with others. I'd suggest you visit a counsler!