Author Topic: Request a list of Prop Items  (Read 923 times)

If anyone remembers the Props_ items or JVS_Props (whatever they were called) I am going to try and create some prop items/models in BLB format. I may release them as an addon myself or give the models away in the Modificatin Discussion if I won't be able to figure out how to package it.

What kind of items would you like to see? I have an idea for a picture frame that would basically be a print brick with a frame around but I have no idea how to code that.

Maybe some sort of a drawer or a filing cabinet.

Better computers? Like, a laptop or a modern desktop would be awesome.
Or a nice chair (correctly sized)

Presents because christmas

Cabinet doors, tall and short

A type writer would be cool.

Portable laptop, lollipop, ice cream, pen and pencil, etc.

And carrot.