Author Topic: || Star Wars: The Old Republic || Megathread || F2P!  (Read 778 times)

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You were deceived.


     Star Wars: The Old Republic, abbreviated as TOR or SWTOR, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game based in the Star Wars universe. Developed by BioWare Austin and a supplemental team at BioWare Edmonton, the game was first announced on October 21, 2008, at an invitation-only press event. The video game was released for the Microsoft Windows platform on December 20, 2011 in North America and part of Europe. Early access to the game began one week before release, on December 13, 2011, for those who had pre-ordered the game online; access opened in "waves" based on pre-order date.Star Wars: The Old Republic, abbreviated as TOR or SWTOR, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game based in the Star Wars universe. Developed by BioWare Austin and a supplemental team at BioWare Edmonton, the game was first announced on October 21, 2008, at an invitation-only press event. The video game was released for the Microsoft Windows platform on December 20, 2011 in North America and part of Europe. Early access to the game began one week before release, on December 13, 2011, for those who had pre-ordered the game online; access opened in "waves" based on pre-order date.


The Republic

Jedi Knight
A symbol of hope in dark times, the Jedi Knight stands for the legacy of the Jedi Order—more than twenty-thousand years of protecting the Republic and keeping the peace across the galaxy. Though Jedi Knights have served as generals, guerrilla fighters, and warriors for generations, their legendary combat prowess faces its greatest test during this age.

Jedi Consular
For more than 20,000 years, the Jedi Order has worked to promote peace and balance in the Galactic Republic, but each new day brings with it a new threat, promising to rip the Jedi and the entire galaxy apart. If the Republic is to survive, it needs leaders and visionaries; it needs the Jedi Consular.

Sometimes luck is more important than skill, but it never hurts to have both. Lawlessness has become common in the wake of the devastating war between the Republic and Empire. Shifting political allegiances and marauding pirates have made independent space travel a dangerous enterprise. Cut off from traditional supply routes, entire star systems waver on the verge of collapse. An adventurous spirit who’s not afraid to break a few rules can make a handsome profit hauling cargo to these hotspots, but it requires fast reflexes, fast wits and a fast draw with a blaster. Even then, the life of a Smuggler is always a gamble.   

Not all heroes carry Lightsabers. Some just have the will to fight. For decades, the armed forces of the Galactic Republic defended their civilization against the seemingly unstoppable Sith Empire. Despite countless setbacks, the men and women of the Republic military never backed down until the Senate ordered them to do so. These brave souls remain ready and willing to lay their lives on the line today.

The Empire

Sith Warrior
An unstoppable force of darkness, the Sith Warrior is entrusted with the task of destroying the Empire’s enemies and enforcing Sith domination across the galaxy. The Warrior channels the destructive emotions of fear, anger, and hatred to purge weakness from body and mind and become a being of pure, brutal efficiency.

Sith Inquisitor
The history of the Sith Empire is fraught with scheming politics and dark secrets—the lifeblood of the Sith Inquisitor. Treachery hides around every corner in the Empire’s dark corridors, and survival depends on an individual’s natural cunning and the will to manipulate and defeat their enemies and allies alike. The Inquisitor experiments with forbidden powers to not only survive in this cutthroat environment, but to excel and seize authority.

Bounty Hunter
Countless enemies stand in the way of the Sith Empire’s drive for domination. The Empire spares no expense eliminating these threats, offering massive bounties to employ the galaxy’s most lethal hunters. Earning a death mark from the Empire means a life spent in fear, constantly looking over one’s shoulder. It’s never a question if a Bounty Hunter will find you… only when.

Imperial Agent
The Empire dominates scores of star systems across the galaxy, but not through the power of the dark side alone. Behind the scenes, the cunning Agents of Imperial Intelligence track down and eliminate the Empire’s enemies—from intractable Republic senators to traitorous Imperial Moffs to bloodthirsty rebels with Republic ties. Imperial Agents must master the arts of infiltration, seduction, and assassination to advance the Empire’s causes; they face the opposition of a terrified galaxy and the capriciousness of their own Sith overlords.


One of the most iconic aspects of Star Wars is the family dynamic between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. In Star Wars: The Old Republic, you will be able to create your very own Skywalker-like family dynasty through the Legacy System, unlocking new skills, items, and other character options that were previously unavailable. With the Legacy System, you can connect each of your characters together in a family tree, which becomes available when one of your characters completes the first chapter of his or her class story. Within your family tree, you can define the relationships between each of your characters on a server, assigning them as spouses, siblings, children or valued allies. Not only will this tie your characters together with the same last name, but it will also allow each character to begin contributing to your Legacy level.

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i copied lots of this info from lots of different sites. dont judge me :c

This game.

I shall always love playing as Sith.

I never have had a character over 20. I keep getting them around 15 then make new ones.

My current main character's name is fading from my memory. As is the class of sith with two sabers' name.

Don't support their awful money grabbing.

This is really fun. Sigh, wish it had not failed.

I'm gonna bump this because I play it all the time and need people to play with.

Character 1:
Name: Portiana
Server: Begeren Colony
Class: Rupublic/Jedi Knight (Sentinel)

Character 2:
Name: Fymbote
Server: The Shadow Lands
Class: Empire/ Bounty Hunter (Mercenary)

You should add a section in the OP for BL players, and their in-game names so we can add each other.

This game died when they over-promised and over-charged.

Anyway, my account has a character by the name of "Woman". Was surprised nobody had taken it.

Is dead.

Will always be dead.

Please lock this thread.

ew EA.
no doubt a pay-to-enjoy game.
Don't support their awful money grabbing.

the game was really fun when it came out. but i had to quit after a few months because it felt like a single player game...
a good single player game, but even those dont stay fun for months of subscriptions.

Downloading it now, I'll try it out.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 03:49:01 PM by Name is Unavailable »

I like this game. I'm playing a Sith juggernaut.
I often ponder the correct pronunciation of "SWTOR". I always say "SOO-tour".

I often ponder the correct pronunciation of "SWTOR". I always say "SOO-tour".
I say Swort for some reason.