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Author Topic: More TF2 Items  (Read 1374 times)

-Sappers(not the RC)
-A Disguise so you dont get KILLED by enemy sentrys when diguised.
-A Sentry that will also shoot rockets with bullets
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 09:17:00 PM by Hansome dude »

-A Disguise so you dont get KILLED by enemy snipers when diguised.
-A Sentry that will also shoot rockets
Sapper is in my To-Do list

Block bastion has a working sapper compatible with bushidos sentrys if only i could get it to work

-A Disguise so you dont get KILLED by enemy snipers when diguised.
-A Sentry that will also shoot rockets
-Sappers -A Sentry that will also shoot rockets Already made

-Sappers -A Sentry that will also shoot rockets Already made
Links? I only find Bushido's sentry. And I cant find a sapper either.

theres a rocket turret in bushido's sentry's

theres no sapper, the sapper hes referring to is actually an RC bomb

Block bastion has a sapper which actually saps sentrys like in tf2

Half of the add-ons in Blockland are TF2, though.

We need more variety from other games.

http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=133926.0 The Sappers and the Sentrys are in the same Pack.
Those are not tf2 sentries nor sappers and they're not made for tf2 and frankly anyone who uses those in a tf2 server is really stupid.

What I mean by sapper, is not the RC sapper.

theres a rocket turret in bushido's sentry's

theres no sapper, the sapper hes referring to is actually an RC bomb
Mound, did you even hear him?

a lot, I mean A LOT of people wanted this, had a go on making it, and became lazy and scrapped it. So I don't really see a chance that people will be making more TF2 items or TF2 weapon packs.

I dont know how to utilize BB, so if theres a sapper in BB that works with Bushi's sentry, then why has no-one made a seperate addon for it yet?