Did badspot kill the 1.04 server?

Author Topic: Did badspot kill the 1.04 server?  (Read 4519 times)

Haha, that was a win move if he actually did.
If he didn't he may aswell now.

I hope he did. Out with the old and in with the new, I always say.


  • Administrator
Blockland v2 uses the Torque master server which is slow as hell and goes down all the time. 

eh, just got a tad suspicious, thinking it would happen sometime.

I get a 20$ allowance.

I just sacrificed an allowance to get it

I used 2 allowances. 10 dollars a week! But then again, I had more that 600 saved up... so no biggey!

Blockland v2 uses the Torque master server which is slow as hell and goes down all the time. 

What does Blockland use  (AKA Retail) ?

i think badspot hosts the master server for blockland

I don't have a allowance, so i had to work for it.

Blockland v2 uses the Torque master server which is slow as hell and goes down all the time. 

What does Blockland use  (AKA Retail) ?

Badspot hosts his own. Something like master.blockland.us

He must use MY SQL or some thing.

The Master Server is the Torgue Games MASTER SERVER. IT is used for ALL torque made games. IT will never go down forever. It is only down for a time because well, it sucks.. You do know that YOU DO NOT HAVE to use the master server in order to play the game right? ALL it is used for is to simply LIST available servers that are online. That's it. The thing can freaking go offline while you are playing the game, and have no effect on you (except that your server will no longer show on the list, duh).

You can even use a different master server if you wanted, although that is pointless since nobody else in the game will know what to do, and only a few people would know.

Badspot did not and Can NOT do anything about the old blockland showing up on the GG Master Server.

I really hate how people immediately panic when the server goes offline.

I myself would get retail as well, but the only reason I hesitate is the lack of rotations and a few other things. It's not even the money, no way.

Even if I did get the new blockland, which I admit is likely, I would still play the old blockland as well, because it can do things that the new one cannot.

Either way, please stop fighting about people who can or can't or do not want to get retail.. IT just makes you all look like 12 year olds.