Author Topic: MrLog's Medieval Colorset  (Read 3895 times)

Not much to say, its a Trueno's Colorset edit with additional terrain colors and wooden colors. Colors are also rearranged and unnecessary colors for Medieval builds removed. Preview below.


Ratings/Feedback are/is welcome.

I honestly don't see much of a change from original Trueno's.

i dont think you understand the concept of "medieval"...

neon colors isnt medieval. the first browns are very contrasted making them look unrealistic (not medieval). the second browns are ok but the last 3 are taken from the motE pack (i think) and i really hate the uneven columns.

i dont think you understand the concept of "medieval"...

neon colors isnt medieval. I use them for things like plants and potions and things like that the first browns are very contrasted making them look unrealistic (not medieval). What is a colorscale without a good brownscale? the second browns are ok but the last 3 are taken from the motE pack (i think) Whats the motE pack? I've honestly never heard of it and i can assure you i didnt take the colors from that. and i really hate the uneven columns. Sry  :panda: Your OCD must be taking over

Ill extend the wood colors.

I like the 3 green colors, would be usefull

I see no point in those colorsets with no stable number of rows, and I in fact hate them. Why can't people make just 9 rows of colors and not more or less? Or at least if they make less, to make it the same number on all columns.

I see no point in those colorsets with no stable number of rows, and I in fact hate them. Why can't people make just 9 rows of colors and not more or less? Or at least if they make less, to make it the same number on all columns.
Cmon. Why do some people have to be so picky. Oh well. I just organized this so it is more useful for me, hoping it would be the same for others.

Eww. I hate uneven colorsets.

I see no point in those colorsets with no stable number of rows, and I in fact hate them. Why can't people make just 9 rows of colors and not more or less? Or at least if they make less, to make it the same number on all columns.
i really hate the uneven columns.
Eww. I hate uneven colorsets.
Ok ok ok i get it. Other suggestions would be more useful...

You use neon colors for plants?..

This really isn't a good brownscale

He's not being OCD, it's honestly annoying to have a colorset with uneven rows because it's harder to scroll through the colors.

You use neon colors for plants?..  Flowers and such

This really isn't a good brownscale  Any suggestions on how 2 make it better?

He's not being OCD, it's honestly annoying to have a colorset with uneven rows because it's harder to scroll through the colors.  Just be done with that, i get it.