Author Topic: desert hiking - any comments?  (Read 1059 times)

my dad and uncle are going to go hiking this summer for at least 10 days, estimated 15 miles per day. theyre going to start somewhere at the southern end of the pct ( pacific crest trail ). ive been offered to come along, but im unsure... has anyone done something like this before? any feedback?

my dad first hiked the appalachian trail when he was 17, and has kept hiking since, and ive come along a bit - but he hasnt gone through real desert areas like this. he wants to go through the mojave desert ( in JUNE ), so its going to be p damn hot. he used to do a lot of rock climbing out west, but i havnt spent more than a couple weeks in the area, and that time wasnt hiking.

feedback? is my dad insane for the time and place?? will rattlesnakes kill us all??? will i cry the whole way???? any veterans feedback would be super
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 10:21:53 PM by Monkeyboy »

I would never go out in the heat. Try going up a mountain or something, it's more fun.

im talking about a real trip, not just half a day and a mountain.. and really im just wondering if this would be complete living hell, or bearable - i know it wont be pleasurable lol

im talking about a real trip, not just half a day and a mountain.. and really im just wondering if this would be complete living hell, or bearable - i know it wont be pleasurable lol
Yeah I had a great time when I spent a week in the grand canyon. The heat isn't that bad, it could be worse  :cookieMonster:

Yeah I had a great time when I spent a week in the grand canyon. The heat isn't that bad, it could be worse  :cookieMonster:
The grand canyon is terrible, I never want to go near the edge because some psycho is going to shove me off.

ive been to the grand canyon before, was kinda neat.. were you backpacking or camping?
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 10:27:56 PM by Monkeyboy »

ive been to the grand canyon before, was kinda neat.. were you backpacking or just camping?
We camped at havasupai falls

Bring a rifle and shoot something.


that sounds awesome, grand canyon is a place i would really like to camp out for a while. only cool places ive been camping are the very tip of florida keys ( was about 100 degrees in december lol ), and sequoia national park.. i went on a road trip for a few months a couple years ago from georgia to northern california and about 30 other states. we camped out in new mexico and utah and places, but i never got to stay long = (

im just a bit apprehensive because were only going to have what we have on our backs. places to get water are about 13 miles or so apart, or so i hear. waters pretty heavy too, so ill probably be thirsty a lot

Bring a rifle and shoot something.

cook me up sum tasty horned toad mmmmmmh.. mybe a jack rabit or snake 2...

If you're going hiking, you should take your towel with you

I love "survival hikes" where you live on the trail for a few days. The longest I've done was 4 days so a 10 day trip seems pretty long for me. If you do end up going don't let "15 miles a day" intimidate you, nothing is ever set in stone and you usually just go until you feel like stopping. Plus the distance seems to fly by when you're not focusing on it.

if i do go, itll be pretty gorgeous..

If you're going hiking, you should take your towel with you

why is that haha

I love "survival hikes" where you live on the trail for a few days. The longest I've done was 4 days so a 10 day trip seems pretty long for me. If you do end up going don't let "15 miles a day" intimidate you, nothing is ever set in stone and you usually just go until you feel like stopping. Plus the distance seems to fly by when you're not focusing on it.

yeah, mental part can be a pain.. first time i ever went on a multi day trip ( i was 12 or so ) i ended up getting really emotional after a day or two
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 10:52:47 PM by Monkeyboy »

why is that haha


You don't get it?

You must not be one of us
He is an alien being. Did the world end again?