Author Topic: Anyone an achievement/trophy hunter?  (Read 905 times)

They should make a achievement for the next cod game worth 1000gs called "holy stuff" to get it you just have to never die in multiplayer over the course of a hundred matches, and win them all consecutively, and kill at least five unique players.

I have 12 games completed with 1167/1912 achievements at 23,170gs.

The games I've completed are Dead Space, Dead Space 2, Fallout 3, Fez, Limbo, Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3, The Orange Box, Portal 2, Scott Pilgrim VS The World, Terminator Salvation, and The Walking Dead.

I was working on Just Cause 2, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Mass Effect, and Skyrim a few months back but I got a new computer and haven't gotten back into the Xbox yet. I need like one more achievement in Braid but I'm too lazy to get it lol

Terminator Salvation (one of my 100%s) was the absolute worst game I've ever played.

I had the most fun with the Orange Box. The Aperture Science achievement from Portal and the "treasure hunt" achievements in Half-Life 2 and its episodes (finding the hidden supplies and killing every last grub) had me wanting to smash my television, but other then that they were pretty great. My favorite achievement from the game and probably out of all the games I own is "Little Rocket Man". I want to do it again.

I like going for 100%s - I feel that I've experienced everything the game has to offer that way. I like the immersion. I've also been working on Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, but there aren't statistics for that, so whatever.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 01:23:44 PM by End »

Not really, I'll go for stuff sometimes if it has an actual use or makes me do something fun/differently.

I started Borderlands 2
Played like 2 hours then stopped

I have 800 MS points and wondering if I should get mechromancer DLC
The Mechromancer is by far my favorite class and I can easily recommend the DLC. However, I wouldn't necessarily put it above full 800 MSP games like Scott Pilgrim, which is really good.

I'm not really an achievement hunter but in games like TF2 or CSGO, every achievement is really fun so I'll sometimes find myself actively trying to get one.

I actively hunted on Halo 3 when I was younger.

The nostalgia hurts. :(

Just helped my friend get one worth 100 GS but couldnt get it myself


I'm not an achievement hunter at heart, but I do chase after the occasional achievement every now and again. Right now my GS is just a little bit below 10000.

Been gaming my entire concious life, never once 100% completed a game or even cared about doing so

Been gaming my entire concious life, never once 100% completed a game or even cared about doing so
I have a thing for completing Assassin's Creed games to 100%. I don't know why, I don't do it with other games.

Got a couple in BLOP2 last night. I WAS trying to get the win 10 games in combat training but my team sucked. Seriously I was going 40-10 with 30 confirms and we still can't win.

i think ill try to go for easy sounding achievements in games cause im lazy :\

I've got the golden god in Super Meat Boy but I see you're talking about xbox :v

I'm a major achievement whore.

You don't want to see my WoW account...