Author Topic: Ping is --- On Dedi  (Read 818 times)

Title says all. The dedicated server (my laptop on which i installed windows XP 30 minutes ago) has a ping of --- on the master server, however not on the LAN server list. It connects to the internet via a wireless USB thingy. I only have it there to test if it works, i will upgrade its connection to ethernet. So are there any reasons to why this problem occurs? And more importantly, solutions?

Console log:

1. Port Forward

2. Allow Block through Firewall

3. Open Ports

4. it should work

I did everything you already mentioned, still doesn't work.

This is the interesting part of your console log:
Code: [Select]
Initializing UPnP...
List of UPNP devices found on the network :

 st: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1

 st: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1

Found a (not connected?) IGD :

Trying to continue anyway

Local LAN ip address :

ExternalIPAddress =

AddPortMapping(28000, 28000, failed with code 401 (Invalid Action)


Ensure that port 28000 is correctly forwarded to Once your settings are saved, restart your router by unplugging it, waiting 10 seconds, and then plugging it back in. After your network comes back online, start the dedicated server again.

What's also interesting is that when we disabled the server's port forwarding altogether and connected to it's IP address, it STILL let me connect to it. Can anyone explain that?

Ok I think I've found the issue. I was using 3 different devices (2 wireless and 1 ethernet) to connect to the server to the internet at different times, and using each one gave me a different ping (PCMCIA card gave me a x.x.x.55, the 3COM USB wireless gave me a x.x.x.104 and the ethernet gave a x.x.x.105). And only the x.x.x.55 one is forwarded. So I guess I'l have to choose a permanent way of connecting.

wow so many mistakes with the above post...

replace ping with IP


I was using 3 different devices (2 wireless and 1 ethernet) to connect to the server to the internet at different times