Author Topic: Pablo got banned?  (Read 7844 times)

Not that part I mean everything else trolling, getting banned, coming back under an alt, getting flammed for it. Only this time its Pablo who got banned and Glass is doing the flamming.
I love how people can only bring up my years opd past of trolling, etc. Seems they just can't find anything to bash on me for that is up to date.

Not that part I mean everything else trolling, getting banned, coming back under an alt, getting flammed for it. Only this time its Pablo who got banned and Glass is doing the flamming.
yes because since he has been banned a lot that means he can't criticize other banned people

that makes perfect sense

Glad it's only for a week. Anyways you guys really need to lighten up.
What most of you guys who don't like him are saying in a nutshell:
"I don't think he's funny because I have a different sense of humor than him, therefore he is stupid, annoying and obnoxious."
Seriously, to my knowledge he's never done anything "annoying or obnoxious," if you don't like his sense of humor, don't watch his videos.
He forgeted up a wiki to the point it was stuff down, he makes stupid forum posts, and acts handicapped in-game. All his jokes consists of is the overused "Duck" stuff, Dwane Wade, and John Madden.

He forgeted up a wiki to the point it was stuff down, he makes stupid forum posts, and acts handicapped in-game. All his jokes consists of is the overused "Duck" stuff, Dwane Wade, and John Madden.
So you think the wiki shutting down was %100 his fault? Yeah right
Stupid posts is a matter of opinion, if you don't agree with his sense of humor, why don't you just ignore him rather than pick fights with him because you don't think it's funny?
Same goes for in-game behavior.

So you think the wiki shutting down was %100 his fault? Yeah right
Stupid posts is a matter of opinion, if you don't agree with his sense of humor, why don't you just ignore him rather than pick fights with him because you don't think it's funny?
Same goes for in-game behavior.
Actually, anyone intelligent think his posts are stupid. The only people that enjoy his posts are his stupid fanboys that worship him like his a motherloving savior.

"I don't think he's funny because I have a different sense of humor than him, therefore he is stupid, annoying and obnoxious."
"I don't think he's funny because he's trolling"

Actually, anyone intelligent think his posts are stupid. The only people that enjoy his posts are his stupid fanboys that worship him like his a motherloving savior.
That's a close-minded, uncalled for, and just plain wrong statement. Stop picking fights and be a little more mature

"I don't think he's funny because he's trolling"
The roblox wiki thing wasn't all that funny, I admit. But I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the people who say %100 percent of the time he's not funny.

The roblox wiki thing wasn't all that funny, I admit. But I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the people who say %100 percent of the time he's not funny.
how many people have insulted him specifically for that, though

how many people have insulted him specifically for that, though
three or four on the first page alone, so I image a bunch.

three or four on the first page alone, so I image a bunch.
specifically? or perhaps they thought that because of the trolling, but they never thought he was funny?

three or four on the first page alone, so I image a bunch.

I can't recall anyone specifying that Pablo is unfunny 100% of the time without any exception, people have only said that the vast majority of the time, or rather; in general, Pablo is unfunny

Sorry for being a complete jack ass earlier. I was anxious / hungry at the dentist's office. Hope you can forgive :(

Sorry for being a complete jack ass earlier. I was anxious / hungry at the dentist's office. Hope you can forgive :(

I don't expect you to forgive me. You're a huge hardass, ever since I stopped being your friend a while back ago you've always been like this too me.

Glass has just raised 3 levels in immaturity
Level up!