
x86 Or ARM?


Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Personal Computer - Updated builds thanks to Logical Increments  (Read 1334669 times)

Tone down the RAM. If you've ever done research into how little (1-2 FPS more on a game for $100 extra.) getting higher clock-speed ram does like I have, you know it's not worth the price. Use that money to invest in a better video card like a 960.
$1200 is enough for a 390/970 even, or more

hell, drop the amd stuff and get a 4690k, a hyper 212 evo, and a $110~ board because $250 is way too much for a fx-8370, also forget that power supply too

Don't, it's unbalanced AF and you can get much better for the same money: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Chipskate/saved/#view=KnsfrH

Just to confirm, the processor Pentium chose is much better than the AMD FX that you chose out. More cores != better performance.

Just to confirm, the processor Pentium chose is much better than the AMD FX that you chose out. More cores != better performance.
if you can utilize those cores on for example a Linux system then get AMD
otherwise Intel masterace

if you can utilize those cores on for example a Linux system then get AMD
otherwise Intel masterace

Even on Linux, you still want to go for Intel, my personal experience. Linux doesn't change the fact that an AMD with more cores isn't better than Intel with less cores.

Intel and nvidia are whoring the prices all thanks to amd failure in basically everything.

But them 2 make good stuff at least xd

Just to confirm, the processor Pentium chose is much better than the AMD FX that you chose out. More cores != better performance.
No to mention the video card is magnitudws better

I should have nominated the AMD fanboys that refuse to accept that Intel might just be better in the cringiest fandom vote

Do wireless gaming headsets exist? How good are they?

if you can utilize those cores on for example a Linux system then get AMD
otherwise Intel masterace
AMD does terribly in single core performance anyways. Even quad-core Intel CPUs outperform 8-core AMD CPUs in benchmarks. that and AMD CPUs run much hotter than intel does.

Do wireless gaming headsets exist? How good are they?
if you want better reliability, get a wired headset

if you want better reliability, get a wired headset
You're probably right, but I already have more than enough wires in here. I need to go wireless on something.

>implying AMD has anymore hope in being a processor manufacturer


You're probably right, but I already have more than enough wires in here. I need to go wireless on something.
if you don't do a lot of voice chat, then you can probably go for a wireless headset. i mean, they work, but you'll have to charge them often and you run the risk of them cutting out in the middle of a game.

if you don't do much competitive gaming, then you can probably put up with wireless keyboards or mice. my dad had a wireless logitech gaming mouse that worked pretty well, but he left it plugged in to the charger all the time. then my sister got a hold of it for her laptop and somehow managed to fuse the receiver to her laptop's USB port.

if your wires are just a mess but you do a lot of competitive gaming and voice chatting, then cable manage that stuff.

Wireless anything on earth will always be stufftier then the wired versions. Always.

Wireless anything on earth will always be stufftier then the wired versions. Always.

wired satellites