
x86 Or ARM?


Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Personal Computer - Updated builds thanks to Logical Increments  (Read 1331856 times)

Windows boots in just a few seconds for me with an SSD. The post takes like 11 seconds or something it sucks.

Dunno if its just me, but i think that noctua fans are just so damn ugly. Do they offer any fans at that quality in different colors?

yah they are ugly lol. some come with black frames over brown fins.
but  they are the best of the best quality XD

Dunno if its just me, but i think that noctua fans are just so damn ugly. Do they offer any fans at that quality in different colors?
yah they are ugly lol. some come with black frames over brown fins.
but  they are the best of the best quality XD

yah they are ugly lol. some come with black frames over brown fins.
but  they are the best of the best quality XD

Me and Bisjac are like two sides of the same coin in regards to computers. He goes very much for performance over absolutely anything else wheras I consider vanity to be more important than getting the absolute best performance I can.

Reinterpreted to be more relevant: I think Noctua fans are incredibly ugly, Corsair fans are more my style

I'm gonna be making a new PC for college and my dad says I can pick whatever parts I need to get the job done. Anyone got any CPU/mobo recommendations for someone who will be doing gaming, programming and virtualization?


Oh damn, the one linus video i didnt watch and it had to do with noctua fans

Took them long enough

I'm gonna be making a new PC for college and my dad says I can pick whatever parts I need to get the job done. Anyone got any CPU/mobo recommendations for someone who will be doing gaming, programming and virtualization?

im planning to get a new card anyway, i can live with it till then

got gtx 960 yay, gtav looks and runs so much better

i just got one of those too! i love it so much and shadowplay is so nice

First post from my new PC! I have to update my drivers before I can run Blockland, which I am not entirely sure how to do yet...

second one, weaker cpu but it has a dedicated gpu that makes it a bit better overall

which laptop is better for light gaming/college stuff


http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/lenovo/z-series/z40/ - the $480 model

Satellite for work, Z40 for light gaming. The Satellite has a much better CPU; an i5 which can boost up to 2.7Ghz whilst the Z40 only has an i3 which doesn't support turbo-boost and runs at 1.9Ghz, however the Z40 has a dedicated graphics chip with 2GB of VRAM whilst the Satellite has the integrated Intel graphics that come with the processor which sucks and will also eat into your system RAM.

Both processors are Dual-cores with 4 threads however so the Z40 might be the best choice all around.

Honestly if you could borrow another $120 to get the $600 Z40 then I'd suggest that as it doesn't have the weaker processor of the one you're looking at while also coming with 4GB more system RAM
« Last Edit: June 09, 2015, 12:48:18 PM by Tokthree »

whatever laptop i get is gonna be my daily driver for 3 months or so while we move, so ehhh i'm still not sure

Can somebody help me cut costs on this build?  The budget on it can stretch to about $450, not much more.