
x86 Or ARM?


Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Personal Computer - Updated builds thanks to Logical Increments  (Read 1334944 times)

If you're not going to overclock there's no point in getting a K-series CPU, an i5-4460 is $50 less and only slightly slower: https://goo.gl/0K0I3M
Also, the power supply is not very good, this is only $12 more and much better: https://goo.gl/SsAoaV
If you can afford it, I'd also recommend getting a boot SSD, it really makes a HUGE difference in terms of how the computer feels: https://goo.gl/DJPU98
Alright I'll switch out the CPU and that PSU is 50w lower than mine so I'd rather keep the 500W
Also I don't really want to use an SSD to boot because honestly I don't care about boot speeds, as long as the pc can start up and not take an hour, it's fine by me
get an r9 380 instead
Would that be faster than the GTX 950 SSC / would it be compatible with the setup?
I'd just like to add this onto the conversation, unless if you have the extra money right now just wait until later to add a SSD for your OS, that's what I did.
Don't take out of the budget for your CPU or GPU, you'll be replacing that a lot later than adding on the SSD.

Alright so how's this? I changed the GPU to a MSI Gaming 4GB GTX 960 and the CPU to the locked version of the i5 4690

you've been saying "how's this" and other things for an awfully long time and showing part lists
do you even have the money for this right now? why are you budgeting for money that you don't have?

I'm getting it set up because in about 5-6 months I'll be working and I'd like to plan ahead so I'd know exactly what to get / what to upgrade or change for when the time comes instead of wasting a few days because I was unprepared

Is it a problem if my power supply is more plentiful than what the build is consuming?

I'm getting it set up because in about 5-6 months I'll be working and I'd like to plan ahead so I'd know exactly what to get / what to upgrade or change for when the time comes instead of wasting a few days because I was unprepared
in 6 months a ton of new stuff is going to come out and all your previous part lists will most likely be outdated
and you don't get paid immediately as you start working so you'll have a month or so to get it together

in 6 months a ton of new stuff is going to come out and all your previous part lists will most likely be outdated
and you don't get paid immediately as you start working so you'll have a month or so to get it together
I'd still like to get this sorted out so I'd be prepared in the future so I'd know what to switch out or upgrade when the time comes. I like to be prepared. Also I know that you don't get payed immediately, I'm not dumb :P
Is it a problem if my power supply is more plentiful than what the build is consuming?
It's not a problem at all

It's not a problem at all
Still a bit concerned since the build estimately only consumes around 80-100ish Watts, and the PSU is labelled 480W. Though my worries might be silly, I'm not expertly experienced in this.

smh im pretty sure if u dont plan on overclocking at all then the r9 380 is superior to the 960

smh im pretty sure if u dont plan on overclocking at all then the r9 380 is superior to the 960
I will be over-clocking the 960 to get as much performance as I can. On the CPU, I'll just set it to it's default boost speed of like 3.7 Ghz and stay at that.

I'd still like to get this sorted out so I'd be prepared in the future so I'd know what to switch out or upgrade when the time comes. I like to be prepared.
what a waste of time

what a waste of time
Oh well. I want to be prepared so that when I can order everything, I'll already know what to get or look for rather than wasting 5 days for hunting for parts and making sure they're compatible and etc.

Still a bit concerned since the build estimately only consumes around 80-100ish Watts, and the PSU is labelled 480W. Though my worries might be silly, I'm not expertly experienced in this.

Current is not pushed, it is drawn. A device can only consume as much electricity as it requires regardless of how much is available. Think of it like a bottle; no matter how much liquid the bottle is capable of holding, the rate at which you can fill it up or empty it out is entirely dependant on the diameter of the opening and the flow of liquid cannot exceed the capacity of that opening. Beyond hypotheticals just consider how you can plug tiny devices like your phone directly into the mains sockets in your house without any problems.

Alright I'll switch out the CPU and that PSU is 50w lower than mine so I'd rather keep the 500W

yeah but it's bronze rated so you know your actually getting at least 410w at all times, and there's little to no risk of it failing and potentially frying all of your other parts. the slightly higher price is worthwhile insurance

Oh well. I want to be prepared so that when I can order everything, I'll already know what to get or look for rather than wasting 5 days for hunting for parts and making sure they're compatible and etc.
in six months everything you're doing now will be irrelevant