Author Topic: Willbo and Phobius' Khajiit caravans.  (Read 1379 times)

Me and Willbo made a khajiit caravan from skyrim. Not all things included in the build are in the actual game. Feel free to rate x/10.
(some of the pictures we took went above the 512 KB limit so had to be scrapped. Sorry :C)

I saw you guys build these or dupe them on Aesch's server.

TheArmyGuy likes these tents.

TheArmyGuy likes these tents.
ThePladGuy doesn't under stand why you are talking in Third Person.

ThePladGuy doesn't under stand why you are talking in Third Person. you even Skyrim?

I saw you guys build these or dupe them on Aesch's server.
will had started at aesh's but we finished at his server

May your path lead you to warm blocks.

May your path lead you to warm blocks.
sunny studs of eleswyre!