
Should Ephialtes' adminship be taken away?


Author Topic: 2nd petition to revoke Ephialtes' adminship  (Read 43548 times)

You locked like, 3 topics and deleted Kalphiter's. stop it.
From the topic acerblock linked in the op.
oh my bad. i accidentaly thought that he deleted the service topic

if badspot didn't side with you guys the first time, why would he now?

if badspot didn't side with you guys the first time, why would he now?
He didn't side with anyone, wtf are you talking about?

since when has badspot sided with people? lol.

He didn't side with anyone, wtf are you talking about?
he's still a global moderator

ephi 1, whingey kids 0

he's still a global moderator

ephi 1, whingey kids 0
That's the loving point of this thread, you dumb stuff.

That's the loving point of this thread, you dumb stuff.
so wtf were you kids trying to achieve the last time this happened?

you were trying to get his moderator status removed then too

You are loving handicapped if you think that Ephi's power can be removed.

so wtf were you kids trying to achieve the last time this happened?

you were trying to get his moderator status removed then too
*wank wank* i sit and watch everything ephi does *wank*

*wank wank* i sit and watch everything ephi does *wank*
maybe if you stomp your feet extra hard this time badspot might listen!!!

god knows ephi is a huge piece of stuff that shouldn't be in any position of power ever, but at this point it's kind of obvious that nothing is going to be done about it

*wank wank* i sit and watch everything ephi does *wank*

i laughed too hard at this.

maybe if you stomp your feet extra hard this time badspot might listen!!!
no no no don't you understand

we're too fat to lift our feet lift it for us.