Author Topic: Mounting 2 images on a player  (Read 499 times)

I'm trying to mount two extra images on a player, which contain a sock model (yay) and a trail emitter.
However it doesn't seem to work ...?

I tried mounting the images on these slots:
Slot 0: Item slot, can't use
Slot 1: Randomly disappears when dieing
Slot 2: Works
Slot 3: Disappears when orbing or taking damage
Slot 4: Doesn't exist

Is there any way I can mount two images on the player?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 02:28:15 PM by Zeblote »

You can parent player::unmountImage and keep it mounted if it's in slot 1.

You can parent player::unmountImage and keep it mounted if it's in slot 1.
Awesome, that worked!