Author Topic: Need help with terrainbricks!  (Read 823 times)

Um, do anyone in here have any idea why it is a random hitbox in the mittle of nowhere on these bricks?

NOTE: It's only the corner-one who acts like this
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 06:48:39 AM by bangbang »

Did u check with the wrench/hammer tool to see if anything was there? Maybe It was a glitch when duplicating?

Turn raycasting off, unfortunately you will also be able to shoot through the floor

I think it's something wrong, I know the slants have more space so you can build in the air withen the slanted bricks, but you can still shoot through them with ease.

Does it happen everywhere or in only one spot?

This is a known bug with the terrain bricks. The problem stems from the fact that the raycasting box is a cube or box shape and the collision box is something else (like the ramps here). Thusly, they have a nasty tendency to disrupt your aim. There is no known fix at the moment.
Basically, the bullets think that the ramp brick is a box (cube) of equivalent dimensions.