Author Topic: My dad is a Genius  (Read 1880 times)

There's a dead tree in my parent's back yard right on the edge of the property overlooking a shed some lady owns a door over and my father wants to cut it down. The thing is, if he can't manage to fall it away from that shed he'll be in deep stuff.

The scenario looks like this:

His best idea is to tie a loving piece of string to it (like 1.5mm thick, some wimpy stuff) and have somebody pull on it to bring it down into away from that shed while he cuts it through.

The "rope" he's using is old, wet, half frozen, and this is no small tree. I predict that the rope will break and my father will wind up being sued. He is too stubborn to listen to me when I say "This string your using wont work." Why he called me over to help annoys me.

I ditched that train wreck before he comes asking for damages money.

Sounds like it will turn out ok

I see this going splendidly.

I thought your father did something great, didn't expect the title to be sarcastic :/

go over on the ladys shed, prop something up against the dead tree, hold it there, then have him cut it. once it is 100 cut all the way through, shove it off to the side. i mean you'll crush the fence but who cares. or you could try letting it down slowly.

how big is the tree?

..or you could kill the old lady in her sleep then cut it down and let it destroy the shed...

OR, you could get a ladder (assuming you have one that tall), cut off the branches, then cut it fairly high up and use something to prop it up like i said before, then shove it to the side. then cut off the rest and it should fall back your way.

OR, you could get a ladder (assuming you have one that tall), cut off the branches, then cut it fairly high up and use something to prop it up like i said before, then shove it to the side. then cut off the rest and it should fall back your way.
My god, this kid deserves a cake.

go over on the ladys shed, prop something up against the dead tree, hold it there, then have him cut it. once it is 100 cut all the way through, shove it off to the side. i mean you'll crush the fence but who cares.
I was thinking this only using a rope to pull it to the side. This is probably a better idea though.

To my father, all your ideas are bad because its not his idea.
I'm honestly just not going to pay attrition to what happens till he calls me asking for money and I say no..

To my father, all your ideas are bad because its not his idea.
I'm honestly just not going to pay attrition to what happens till he calls me asking for money and I say no..
Say yes and give him monopoly money saying he didn't say what kind of money.

I have done the same thing with 4 trees in my backyard the rope doesn't need to be too thick either.

I have done the same thing with 4 trees in my backyard the rope doesn't need to be too thick either.

Did you use old moldy twine thats been sitting outside for years?
I dont think so.

Why does it need to be cut down, anyway?

Honestly, the tree was probably there before her damn shed.  It's her fault for having a shed built underneath a tree old enough to grow that tall, die, and remain standing.