Author Topic: Brian Smith's Terrain Generator v4  (Read 10707 times)

I have made the fourth revision to my terrain generator.
This version now includes:
> adjustable options
> new perlin/simplex noise (some weird mix)
> still forgeted up clearing, but getting there :D
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 02:57:10 PM by Brian Smithers »

ultra bumpy

just made something that converts strings to seeds, so I can make some random ass terrain :D

I think it looks cool.  It is different from other terrain and I like that.

Also, do you always have that many friend requests, or do you just not answer them?

I love it! It is something different other than just having it be a flat landscape.

oh did i mention
it's infinite

Even though its really bumpy.
That is awesome.

So, a script made this ?
That's not so impressive.

I'd stuff my pants if you built all that yourself.

So, a script made this ?
That's not so impressive.

I'd stuff my pants if you built all that yourself.
I made the script ;)

hosting it right now.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 04:37:06 PM by Brian Smithers »

Somebody else made that happen!
Thank-you, I've used that 3 times and this is the first time someone actually knew what I was referring to.