Author Topic: Crafting GUI  (Read 2239 times)

I was bored so I made this crafting GUI. I'll probably never end up actually using it for anything.

Click to enlarge.

Cool! You should add some prefs for what weapons you would want to craft then I could use it for my Skyrim RPG. It would be awesome if you could do that!

You should add some prefs for what weapons you would want to craft
What do you mean?

Wow, that looks nice. Good job, could be very useful

*cough*Minecraft server*cough* I bet their will be one with this if it is released.

*cough*Minecraft server*cough* I bet their will be one with this if it is released.

Or it could be used for any regular RPG type game. Really though, the only thing that makes Minecraft's crafting what it is is the use of a grid and its broad variety of resources; otherwise, it's rudimentary (i.e: Basic MMO crafting)

But yes, someone should implement this into a mod. We could make it use different brick types, to form a shape, or something along those lines.  :cookie:

Skyrim RPG
How many loving projects do you have?

Finish one for once, because as of now I don't think anybody thinks you can finish anything.

How many loving projects do you have?

Finish one for once, because as of now I don't think anybody thinks you can finish anything.

I think this was just to show his concept. I'm sure he isn't working on it any further.
I'll probably never end up actually using it for anything.

Also, there isn't anything wrong in having goals. No need for that.

And thus, the RPG was born!

What do you mean?
Make it so that in RTB prefs you could edit the craftable weapons to private stuff.

If it could detect a certain pattern of bricks to allow crafting of items that would be neat.

An example would be a 5x5x5 crafting box, inside which you'd build the item. Combine that with a limited brickcount/salvage-style brick inventory and you'd have a neat "crafting" system.

Probably be difficult to implement and execute though.

I love it, would be awesome in brian's fortwars mod.

Could be used for anything, we could add in certain items/addon weapons and thn in order to be able to craft it we would need to find like a certain type of brick or an item and then we would just hit craft and it would get added to our inventory or dropped next to us.

This should have an host ability to control what items can be crafted or not, kinda like the add-on enabler but in game

Shouldn't this be in modification? :\ Its cool, when do you plan to release it? (Seeing that you do of course...)