Author Topic: Blockland poem  (Read 2715 times)

Wright a poem

About the blockland fourms

3 2 1 go

blockland forums
the reason why I have brain aneurysms

blockland forums
we all accuse people of communisms

Roses are red
Bricks are blue
Badspot is cool
I don't even know

Wright a poem

About the blockland fourms

3 2 1 go
Well if you say so.

a poem

About the blockland fourums

3 2 1 go

Roses are Red
Violets are blue
Blockland is cool
I don't even know

From the depths of hell;
He came.
From the bottom pits i dare not tell;
He came.
From the shadows of hell and doom,
Where the flowers never bloom;

He came.

The lord of the Shadows.

Blockland sucks, Blockland's bad
Minecraft ripoff, Roblox clone
Stupid blockheads are so sad
Noobs can't have my gaming throne

There once lived some children who had no real friends
Most suffered from aspbergers, they followed all trends
They sat on the internet every day to no end
Come night, they became acquainted with their hands.


I tried.

There once lived some children who had no real friends
Most suffered from aspbergers, they followed all trends
They sat on the internet every day to no end
Come night, they became acquainted with their hands.


I tried.

In times of between beatings,
I play the game of Blockland,
Though, before I say my greetings,
I go to the forums to get banned.

I then enter a random server,
Not paying attention to the name,
But, as a keen observer,
I find that the loading time is lame.

I go to the forums unannounced,
But that is no Issue;
But my unbanning is denounced,
So I use a double.

I notice through my times of updating,
That there has been long times of debate,
And that when each side finishes debating,
I find that there is no one here to relate.

Take Lord Tony, for example,
The (Most likely) trolling pony-hater,
But, this is only yet a sample,
And what's the come is even greater.

And then we have Mega Bear,
the Pink Floyd lover,
Along with Pablo in which I swear,
He swiftly serves the best plover.

But enough about the users,
I am off to the the drama thread,
Where I find a lot of accusers,
But I find a lot of holes that are unsaid.

Let's go to the AoT board,
Rarely touched,
Not even explored,
Let's leave it like that, untouched.

The game is still downloading a plethora of files,
All of them mp3s,
All of them with their own trials;
Each of them a tease.

Might as well go to the wiki,
barely heard about,
**** ** **** ******* ******,
Oh stuff, another internet censorship bill is coming out.

The server finally finishes loading,
and what I see is of pure horror,
A family RP of random love is foreboding.
I leave the server, and into Windows Explorer.

Why I opened Windows Explorer,
I do not comprehend,
Why Microsoft didn't make make a lesser horror,
I should go back to Firefox, which is what I recommend.

I join a server I've been to before,
A boss battle server owned by Pecon98,
But when I got there, I found in store,
A feeling of nostalgia began to inflate.

Not having joined the server in many weeks,
A lot has been added, some good; some bad,
I admit, the build was made with many great techniques,
But all of these changes make me feel sad.

It seems so out of place,
Being that not so long ago,
It had a lot of null space,
But what do I know?

I leave the server, disgusted,
And I look for a better one,
I see a falling platform server; one that I trusted,
A quick load later, I was done.

Lag quickly came when I joined,
And I quickly fell off,
Not that I wouldn't have rejoined,
But that doesn't mean I can't scoff.

I shut down Blockland,
Filled with mixed feelings,
I mean sure, stuff like this I can withstand,
But I think Blockland is hitting ceilings.

I might just take a break from it for a while,
Even though I feel a slight draft,
I might as well leave in style,
forget this stuff, I'm playing Minecraft.

I might have just won for longest poem.

Wrote this about a year ago.

Blockland, you are gay
stuff posting in off-topic;
It is really bad.

The game is rad though;
Badspot is a lovey guy,
And there is blocks, too.

Roses are red
forget you
The end

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
No. The end.

Blockland, what's to say?
I guess it's alright, maybe.
I'm bored of it though.