Author Topic: axe stokin thread 2: turbo electric boogaloo  (Read 12274 times)

yes and he enjoyed it

can my butt be next since you bumped and quoted me that means you want the D right?

can my butt be next since you bumped and quoted me that means you want the D right?

blocking anyone on steam who says "the D" in any context like it's supposed to be funny

Is Tony your ex-boyfriend?
« Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 12:53:53 AM by Harm94 »

hello this is dr mr sir md phd mrs miss ms brian smith
how may i help you.

is there a single thing someone can say to you that will cause your nose to eject from its socket and re-attach sideways

if so tell me so i can make you permanently sneeze in your right eyeball

want to play some allstars or codbod tomorrow?

blocking anyone on steam who says "the D" in any context like it's supposed to be funny
the D

let me put my fingers in your butt okay?
the D

want to play some allstars or codbod tomorrow?

Pretty sure I'd destroy you in allstars.

Pretty sure I'd destroy you in allstars.

allstars is an awful game and not worth $40

allstars is an awful game and not worth $40
would anyone like to gift her this game on steam