Author Topic: Help, I can't brush my teeth  (Read 1137 times)

I brush my teeth like once a month and they are surprisingly white and healthy.

I brush my teeth like once a month and they are surprisingly white and healthy.

you can try being more gentle and going slowly
I can not express how I feel about this...

I brush my teeth every day.

i've been going for once a day, my gums keep swelling up :[

Yeah, I get swollen gums even from brushing once a day. Maybe I should floss more, or just lay off the junk food.

I brush every day, with at least one session of flossing, so I have no cavities whatsoever. Meanwhile, if I tell my friends to look up at the sun with their teeth showing...

me after I brush, I hate that metallic/strange aftertaste, even with mouthwash. my gums do bleed.
You shouldn't have a metallic aftertaste.
A new toothbrush might be a good idea.
You might also be tasting your own blood. In which case you should try getting some softer toothbrushes or being more gentle with your brushing.
If you floss for some time aswell, you'll likely have a cleaner mouth and stronger gums.

I brush 2-3 times a week, whenever I have work.
My teeth are in terrible shape though, I rarely brushed when I had braces and the stuff that got stuck around the braces rotted some layers of enamel off. So on some of my teeth you can see little pits.

I brush 2-3 times a week, whenever I have work.
My teeth are in terrible shape though, I rarely brushed when I had braces and the stuff that got stuck around the braces rotted some layers of enamel off. So on some of my teeth you can see little pits.

That's gross, see my friend only brushes every 2 months, and somehow his teeth are okay.

He never had braces though so lol

That's gross, see my friend only brushes every 2 months, and somehow his teeth are okay.

He never had braces though so lol
its a little less gross than you are probably imagining

You can't get girlfriends with out a clean mouth. Good luck, fellas.

It wouldn't be as gross if you do it every morning and night.