Author Topic: Blockland hates my keyboard  (Read 764 times)

Agh, when I first start up Blockland everything works fine, but if I go to another window, when I come back, / on the numpad went from being / to NUMPADDIVIDE, right Shift breaks, [ breaks, ] becomes [, and \ becomes ]. And " breaks too. It's super annoying, is there any way to fix this? I figured this was Windows's fault, not Blockland's. Also running Windows 8.

First go to the blockland main menu then options and then back to blockland go to your keyboard settings type in
"Keyboard i apologise for raging and slamming you against the floor if you may accept this please work"

goto the very bottom of this page

First go to the blockland main menu then options and then back to blockland go to your keyboard settings type in
"Keyboard i apologise for raging and slamming you against the floor if you may accept this please work"
be serious