Author Topic: Detect how many kills a player has?  (Read 268 times)


How would I go about doing this?

Client or server died?

Server sided.

EDIT: It would also be helpful to have a server command to give a weapon to a player.

Never mind, found that one.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 05:26:10 PM by TeeJay »

Well, oops.

I did a simple search, I found the commands needed.

EDIT: Sorry for locking

The solution I found for the give item was making a findclientbyname function called additem.

That didnt work well so I am going to try commandtoClient('useGun');

The solution for detecting the kills was using an if statement like:

if(%client.score >= 5)
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 04:39:04 PM by TeeJay »