Author Topic: stuff I never finish  (Read 1284 times)

I have this bad habit of starting a kickass build only to stop working on it and start on something else when I get bored. This topic is dedicated to things not 100% done, and thats probably how they will stay for a good long while

Anyhoo, lets git started shall we:

This here is a lil town thing I started making. Originally the object of the game was to grow weed and sell it. Then it started turning into cityRP and I got bored

ooh seekrit?

woot :D growery

This next build started out as one of my fortwars builds, and turned into a...forget i dont even know what the hell to call it...this area

key in the bushes when clicked it pops out :D

and under the rug is a trap door that leads to a lil underground area exitable via the grave by the dead trees

This I finished for now but not completely. Just a bot torture chamber :P

This build started as a desert RP and never got finished. I might continue this one when im not busy

The well leads you to this place:

but you have to pay the well guru cash to enter

Goth Gardensz: incomplete but satisfactory to me

behind the water falls is one way glass

Thats all i got for now. If I go through any good old unfinished stuff ill post it. I gotta get some sleep!

Rate if you wish

This is odd, but interesting. Why did you decide to create a tree of such form?

those simple octo-trunk bare trees in the second build are cute and should be a design more often used

these don't really look kick-ass but its clear that you tried in all of them, at least for a while.

some of the ideas are really good though, like the well thing. it would be interesting if that was expanded to some small desert town, and turned into an adventure map.

op is secretly finbarr calamitous

op is secretly finbarr calamitous
Oh god, how old is that show! Don't make me feel old :(
I feel old enough as is...

Anyways, I think those builds are pretty cool, although I do want to see a bit more pictures of the last one, I dont think those two do it justice

Please finish the "grow weed and sell it" RP


I guess they are decent.

Please finish the "grow weed and sell it" RP

hemp tycoon: blockland edition!

Really good. I like how there's secret things around! On my opinion I like the size of the builds and the trees.