
Poll • Military Weapons

Keep the military weapons to intensify and create chaotic combat.
Cut down on military weapons to keep realism and make finding guns very serious.

Author Topic: DayB • 1/14/14  (Read 101033 times)

great job shapp

i haven't seen you for a while derroith, but if you're still building i'll come to help

Yay great job guys.

Could I help test it once you come around to it or is it too early to mention beta testing?

Derroith would be the one to ask regarding any enrollment in testing. In my opinion: the fewer people we allow to test, the greater the surprise.

the only people i would let test from the group listed would be sleven, port (maybe?), poo (XD XD XD lol!), and heedicalking. it's probably for the best that i don't get to decide..

ofc there would be a couple others that aren't on that list that will probably test anyway (khain? sylvanor?)
« Last Edit: October 02, 2013, 11:26:13 PM by Monkeyboy »

How do people help out anyways?


Really wish Rusty could finish the guns otherwise it looks like I might need another modeler.


p cool when you showed me it awhile back

do you still use skype?

do you still use skype?
I can't go on my computer due to real life issues, I'll go on through my phone.

I believe the RTB server is running out of time as well, when the time comes I'll reload it.


Really wish Rusty could finish the guns otherwise it looks like I might need another modeler.

mebe i can modl 4 yu?? :DDDD

Epic! How big is the map going to be?

edit; yeah its alot.
Yep seem good. How big is the map going to be?

This is going to end up like the standalone isn't it...? :P

Looking for a modeler, expect a reward! ($)

Donations also help tons guys, no matter what it is, the least we know is that you have hope for us.