Author Topic: Teachers lie to your face.  (Read 7431 times)

Put a virus on the thumb drive and leave it at your school to see if she does it again. xD
sneakernet attacks

oh sweet, i can get my french teacher arrested
Only if your teacher FORCED you to stay after school, ie. you tried to leave, but your teacher physically prevented you from leaving.

Only if your teacher FORCED you to stay after school, ie. you tried to leave, but your teacher physically prevented you from leaving.
just curious, but does the same rule apply if you are forced to stay out of school hours? As in, the school was closed for maintenance, yet you were forced to come in without a proper reason?

Things teachers are NOT legally allowed to do (things you can actually SUE THEM FOR):
-Taking your things without reasonable cause (because you were texting in class does NOT count as reasonable cause, for example.)
-Forcing you to stay after school (After school is done, you can leave no matter what they say and they can't do a damn thing about it)
-Looking in your locker without reasonable cause
-Physical punishment
-Harassment (if the teachers are bullying you constantly, you can get them fired. I'm not kidding.)

-Invasion of privacy (again unless there is reasonable cause, thanks for reminding me, maroon)

Teachers are literally powerless, don't put up with any of the things listed above. If they do any of those things, take some loving action.
People say teachers aren't allowed to do these things all the time, and they will always tell you "yes we can, this school is a private organization [although it is a public school, so...] with it's own rules, ect. ect." I'm not saying your wrong, but, uh, citation needed I guess. (minus the capital punishment stuff because everyone knows that stuff isn't legal anymore)

Seriously, I'd do it if some teacher pulled some bullstuff like that on me.

(because you were texting in class does NOT count as reasonable cause, for example.)
Most the time the school will have you sign a contract at enrollment to let the teachers do this.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2013, 03:01:59 PM by Rainzx¹ »

When I was seven, my teacher told us all that global warming was bullstuff.

Being seven years old and being raised with a mother who tells you that everyone older than you knows better, I believed her.

I also believed my art teacher when he said "I'm not a paedophile"

I also believed my art teacher when he said "I'm not a paedophile"
that sounds like an interesting story

Guys, I've checked my information again and again, many of the people I know have gone through that stuff and got the teachers that did it seriously punished for it.

just curious, but does the same rule apply if you are forced to stay out of school hours? As in, the school was closed for maintenance, yet you were forced to come in without a proper reason?
I'm pretty sure that is illegal.

I always forget if you're from Northern Ireland or the Republic. s:

In the UK it's not legal if they don't have permission from the higher-ups in the school.
There also has to be more than one teacher there at any one time, and there also has to be a legally qualified First Aider too.
They also can not force you to go to the school. Outside of school you are free to whatever you wish to do.
You're legally required to turn up to school during school hours if you're in compulsory education. Nothing outside of that is legally enforced, and to force someone to do so is illegal.

I'm white, and I was once called a minority by a black teacher:o? wote

laxatives first though
put powerful laxatives in her coffee, that'll teach her to steal your flashdrive

When i went to pick up my flash drive she said that she didn't know where it was and that she will "ask around"
I looked over on her desk and it was sitting on it...

When i went to pick up my flash drive she said that she didn't know where it was and that she will "ask around"
I looked over on her desk and it was sitting on it...

buy a cheap flsah drive and put like "how to loot students by teachername" and put it on your principals desk, make sure it's noticeable. lol